{3} lost my mind

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"Boo yah! Get it? Like I'm a scary punk ghost." I still don't know what direction this FanFiction is going, but I'm trying.

It was finally time to meet Max. I was so ready. Maybe bringing the extra stuff would be a good conversation starter, but the changes of that are slim. I am the worst at talking to Max. Sometimes I even question what I'm talking about when we're texting. It's embarrassing.

I walked up to the dorms. I could see Max's window from outside. But I could also see more than her window, Max was changing, into sweatpants and a yellow shirt. I couldn't quite tell what was on it, but I was sure to look away. Only a person like Nathan would look at Max while she's doing something like that.

I silently creeped up the stairs and through the door. I didn't know the girls dorms would be this quiet, all I could hear was music slowly leaking out of Danas room. Her door was wide open, so I had to sprint passed her room to get to Max's. I didn't know if she saw me, but all I could do is hope she didn't.

Finally! I reached her door. I squeezed on the bag that I was holding filled of chocolates, Gatorade, and chips. I knew that she didn't want anything, but I would eat them if she didn't.

When I knocked on her door, it took a few moments for her to open it. I figured she was cleaning up for a second before letting me in.

When the door opened, I could see an exhausted Max. She really was sick.

I finally spoke, "Wow. You look-" Max gave me a look with her baggy eyes and then interrupted me. "Bad? Yeah, I know that." I was surprised when Max spoke, I wasn't going to say she looked bad though. "Come on in." She motioned for me to come in, and I gladly did.

"Im sorry if you expected me to come sooner. I got into something with Nathan." Please don't ask, please don't ask- "Oh really? What were you doing?" I couldn't lie to Max, so I just didn't say anything back. "It's okay, Warren. Speaking of Nathan, he called me earlier and we're going to take photos Thursday!" Max was so happy. I couldn't ruin it for her. What did she see in him anyways? He's no good and certainly not her type. I was soon consumed in my anger and words started booming out of my mouth like bullets from a machine gun.

"Yeah, Max, I was there, what were you thinking? Are you stupid? I deserve you, NOT him!Have you lost your mind?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I regretted saying the mean words the moment I said the first word. Why did I do that?

"Warren, please get out. I was going to tell you something that was very important to me but you can just go now." What was she going to tell me? An even better question, why is she crying? Max turned around towards her desk, becoming silent. "Max wait-" She spun back around gripping something tightly. "I. Said. Get. OUT."

"Max I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean it." My stutters went unnoticed by Max, but when she turned around I could see she was holding something that looked like a small photo. Maybe something she took with her camera. I mouthed "I'm sorry." To her one last time before leaving her room and closing the door. What had gotten into me? Have I lost my mind?

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