6: Fourth Floor

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When I woke up my eyes stayed shut. I was so tired that i didn't want to even move. All I wanted to do was lie down and sleep. I heard voices around me. They were all talking.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Yeah. She's just resting. I had to get a lot of water out of her lungs."

"Is that why she's wearing those breathing tubes?"

"Yup." I finally opened my eyes a little to see Hal and Emma standing near me. I looked at them with a tired stare and then I started to cough. They both stayed silent and starred at me.

"I made a stupid choice huh." I said. I was on the bed covered with a blanket, and I even had those breathing tubes that they put in your nose.

"Well Rin. I have to say you are quite the rebellious type." Hal said. Emma nodded. I laughed.

"I never said that I was going to follow your rules." I sighed.

"Well. Are you going to now?" said a voice. In the doorway was Dr. Amadi. First I completely froze, then I looked down in silence.

"I asked you a question." he said again walking closer. I shuddered as his footsteps came closer and closer.

"I. I." I stuttered. Them Emma blocked him from my bed.

"Stop. I think you have already proven yourself to be higher up then Rin." Emma said. Dr. Amadi narrowed his eyes at her.

"Em!" Hal yelled.

"No. I want to see where your sister is going with this." he ordered.

"As you can see, Rin is obviously afraid of you. The thing is though, I'm not. You can do what you like, but I know I will never fear you." Emma lectured.

"Don't make empty promises." Dr. Amadi advised.

"It's not an empty promise. The reason why I will never fear you is because your just a bully. A bully that picks on people smalled then you are and that is why you rule with fear. It's inhumane." Emma continued.

"In able to control a person who is no longer sane. You need a inhumane way to keep everyone else."

"Your just a bully who doesn't know how to think these things through. Idiot." Emma insulted. Dr. Amadi was mad now.

"You want to test me girl." he growled. He grabbed her by the arm and I ripped the cords off of my face. I jumped off the bed behind Dr. Amadi and grabbed him with my arms around his neck. Everyone starred at me in shock. I repositioned my arms so I had one by his chin and another wrapped back around his head.

"Touch her and I will snap your neck." I challenged.

"Do you want another lesson?!" He yelled. I looked down sadly, I didn't want to o through that all again. Then a cough started to rise in my throat. I started to cough and my hands went up to my mouth. Dr. Amadi then he through me to the ground. He kicked me in the gut causing me to groan in pain. Emma tried to stop him, but she was held back by Hal.

"Your weak!" He kicked me over and over until I braced my hand and wrapped my hold around his ankle. He stopped and I pulled making him smack his head on the ground as he fell. I jumped up and sat on his stomach and brought my fingers to his eye.

"If you can't see that I am strong. Then you don't deserve this eye." I said. Hal let go of Emma and ran up to me, but she was to late. By then my finger has pushed under and over the eye and into the socket. Blood splattered up my hand as I pulled the eye ball out completely. Hal grabbed me a piked me up. I through the eye down at Dr. Amadi was holding his eye. Then something hit me on the back of the head. Black dots clouded my vision and fell to the side. My head hit the cold tile floor and I strained to see the source. Emma hit me on the back of the head. That is when I fell unconscious.


When I finally woke up again my head pounded. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around at my surroundings. The walls were padded and they were all white. The old tile floor was now a fluffy carpet. I looked around and saw no one. My clothes were changed and the blood on my skin washed. My arms were stuck around my waist in a strait jacket as I sat in a strange chair in the center of the room. Some IV like tubes were coming down from the ceiling and was getting pumped into the back of my neck.

"What?" I said groggily.

"Rin. Welcome to your new home." Hal said on the intercom.


"Your a third floor patient now. This is your room." my eyes widened.

"What!?" I yelled.

"You hurt Dr. Amadi and he then got you moved into special care."

"What's the tubes for?"

"As a fouth floor patient you are dangerous. Those tubes allow us to have easy access into your blood. If you start to stop taking the pills, we can give you it through the tube. Also if you get to upset, we can give you a medicine that makes you either clam down, or we give you a drug to knock you out." she explained. I shrugged in the strait jacket. Simple enough.

"So now what?" I asked. Hal stayed silent for a minute before answering.

"Nothing. Sit and wait until your next lesson." I growled at the thought. Dr. Amadi will come in to talk to me and then torture me. Just like he always does. I heard the door open. I looked around to the door and saw three people. A blonde, burnet, and a red head.

"Hey guys." I said to them.

"So this is what a third floor patient room is like." Hayley said looking around the room.

"Well, according to my sister, they say your getting better actually." I sighed.

"That's stupid. If I'm getting better then why is it that there putting me on higher floors?" Marcie shrugged, Hayley stared at me, and Emma just stayed silent.

"This asylum is nothing like the others." I told them.
Well there you go. I'm sick at the moment so I might as well wright some chapters. I love to wright these books at the moment. I think they are coming along a lot better then the others. So let me know what you think and please comment some different types of torture methods for me. See you soon.

Word Count: 1133

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