Red Lips

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(Authors note: Cason is pronounced like Jason except with a C. And Wither is the popular sport played on the moon and being captain of the team is equal to being the football captian// Sorry there wasn't much of the Sci-fi touch to this part but it was more of a  starting chapter and I promise there will be stuff. )

Name: Jessica Colbert

Class: V12                                                    

I'm Jessica, I live in Cresent Hills, one of the most expensive places in the area, I have blonde hair and blue eyes and my fashion sense is basically like a super power. I have to say, I'm probably the most popular girl in school. We, and by we I mean eveyone who survived the'end of earth,'  live on the moon, its been almost one hundred years since we fled earth. There weren't even many of us left, which is super good because who would want lots of poor starving people here? (que throw up) So we live on the moon and apparently in was super crowded here at first but then the one baby law was passed and then the city expanded and evolved, luckily I was born into the generation which is so developed that we don't even have to wear masks--which is also super good cause those are totally not fashionable. Anyway like the scientists and stuff have totally started fixing earth for some dumb reason and now they're actually sending people down there to start 'the clean up'.' The only people who go down there are prisoners though, 'cause like if you wanted to shorten your prison sentence you could do that. But now its compulsory to do it if you go to prison even if its for a month or whatever. That law made crime rates go right down! ANYWAY back to me seeing as this MY school response. So like I was saying, I'm super popular and I know everyone in this school, everyone...except for this one girl in my class whose name I don't even know, I don't even know her hair colour, totally not worth turning around to check. So I have the most gorgeous hair....(This report does go on for a lot longer, explaining school social dynamic and all, which could be useful but seeing as the report is also fairly egotistical and Jessica is not our main character we'll skip the rest.)

There was in fact a girl in the class whom nobody really knew, as in they didn't know her name or her hair colour. She was the perfect nobody. She was not a tormented nobody who got harassed and tortured for being at the bottom of the social pyramid. Anya was not existent on the social pyramid, this was not because she was unlucky enough to be invisible but because Anya Banks had made herself invisible. She was a good student, joined in in class just enough to avoid bad marks, she always made sure she did the best she could without being called up onstage for awards. Her teachers hardly knew her name, most of them pointed at her when they wanted her to speak, if they bothered. When she went out publicly she went to places further away to avoid running into anyone from her school.  Her friends at school consisted of her boyfriend and his sister. She didn't particularly like her boyfriend or his sister but was somewhat forced into dating him because he needed someone to use to piss off his ex (a young lady who did not attend the same school) and for some unknown reason Jake had chosen to use her. But other than this, Anya was perfectly invisible. She'd isolated herself, made her own heart stop glowing.

It turned out that there was a very high chance that Jake has specifically chosen to blackmail her into being his girlfriend for emphasis. He was new at the school, no one knew him and he so desperately wanted to be popular. Anya was wearing her blue dress which was plain and simple and very similar to most of her dresses and her brown eyes looked out around the loud cafeteria with a look of disdain and somehow distance on her bland features. One of the popular boys, Cason, was standing up shouting something slightly amusing to his friend and his call received laughter and shouting around him--Cason was the head of the Wither team and the title came with a decent amount of fame. Anya let a tiny smile touch her lip, she did not mind him, he'd helped her once when she was carrying heavy books and looked at her oddly when he realized he didn't know her name but then realized she'd looked uncomfortable and never bothered her again. She watched Jessica flounce up to Cason and Anya wondered whether she was going to make a loud fuss today, there was always someone making a loud fuss. But to her horror it wasn't her that began to shout. It was Jake.

"Anya!" He'd shouted so loud that some people jumped and so that he had all eyes on him. He proceeded to pull her out into the middle of the room. Such horrible things he roared and the more he said the louder the students shouted and cheered. Anya felt dazed as she stood there with his torment pouring against her isolation bubble like hail. The more he talked the more people mumbled and muttered he name. She thought, as she stood there shocked and dumb, that he looked devilish as she gabbled and she knew that he'd practiced this and she thought to herself that he was a remarkably ugly person. The mumbling of her name turned into words and marched into mocking and anger. Over there stood Cason, a blond boy from the other table had come over and was clutching Casons wrist so tight that it surely burnt. Her name was shouted followed by several profanities. What had Jake said. She hadn't heard him. But she could hear  her name. Bell, she needed the bell to ring to save her. No the bell would ring in ten minutes. She fled.

Even as her feet hit the ground she could hear them shouting her name. Mocking her.

It didn't stop, all through the rest of the day they would call.

"Hey Anya! Hey slut! Kiss me babe?" And then the horrible laughter would follow, would case her down the hallways into her mind even after she'd left their presence.

She hurried out the door, ignoring the bleeping of the ID machine, her brown eyes were not pooled with tears but her fists where clenched and her head was lowered in defeat. She only had one thing to steady her was that she was going away next week and then the year was over anyway, surely they'd forget.

"Hey." The cool voice said, it was stabling. Anya slowed but did not stop. "Are you alright?"

She froze and looked sideways at the boy. He had brown hair and was only slightly taller than she was and behind him was a taller boy with black hair and blue eyes which were fuming. Melvic, the shorter of the two, smiled at her encouragingly but she was unable to speak.Was she alright.

"That was a horrible way to be dumped, he said some terrible things." Melvic continued.

"He was a shit boyfriend, you shouldn't have been dat--"

"Cason." Melic said sharply, cutting through the other boys harsh words which made Anya flinch.

"No?" Anya murmured, her fingers tugging on her edge of her leather bag, her eyes darting anywhere but their faces. Then in a stronger voice, "I wasn't really dating him, it was under black mail it doesn't matter."

Both boys gawked, momentarily unable to speak.

"He worked me out. He said...he would...." Anya's lips trembled and anger caught like fire in her eyes. "He lied." She could hear Jake laughing somewhere behind. "He lied." he said again, clenching her fists. She looked Melvic in the eyes, she could not look Cason in the eyes because he was glaring at Jake. "Excuse me." Anya said, politely and pettily. And before she could stop herself she was striding towards Jake with her fists clenched.

"Hey Anya, smile for the video slut!" The guy next to Jake shouted turning a camera to her.

"OH don't come crawling back here now, Bitch." Jake said coolly.

"Say it again."

"Nah. But how about I say this: You're a dirty, dumb slut."

"Ooo." The camera guy laughed.

Anya stood up straight and pulled her arm back. In a swift movement her clenched fist collided with Jakes face. He cried out and stumbled back. For a moment Anya stood there, Jake's blood on her fist and that is when her isolation bubble of emotionless sighs began to crack.

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