Chapter 1

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The water rippled over the man-made lake, so clear that the metal flooring could be seen through it and the stars reflected off it in certain light. The trees which rimmed the other side were mechanical, birllant technology which made them look living, and they looked as if they swayed in the breeze though there was none. She sighed and turned away so that she was facing the batch and her elbows were on the balcony rail. She tipped her head back and looked up at the open expanse of endless black before turning to the Earth, a sick red and brown which was so much larger than the moon.

"Anya?" Her mother called, her voice bright and cheerful.

"Mmhm?" Anya replied as her mother's face appeared through the glass door. The door clicked and slid cleanly open, Anya turned around again, looking glumly at the lake.

"Don't look like that." Her mother smiled, joing her and wrapping an arm around her. "They're nice, I've met the mother and there's only three of them."

"But they're still people, Mom." She whined.

"You'll be fine, darling, plus maybe you'll make a friend."  Her mother replied sympathetically, softly tugging on the tips of Anya's hair. "Maybe have someone to talk to for once. The hit hard and the words bounced around Anya's head, 'someone to talk to.'

Anya bit her lip and shook her head. "But it was supposed to be like the other holidays, just us."

"It'll be fine, hon. Besides it's only the kitchn that we share, they  have their own secluded side of the batch."

"Yeah well you'll go all friendly like and invite them to eat and go on adventures."

"Speaking of which, they'll be eating with us tonight."

"Mum." She groaned, looking glumly at the rippling water.

"You'll be fine, they'll be here soon and you can either go hide in your room or help them unpack." Her mother said sweetly, smiling at her before pulling away and disappearing inside.

Anya groaned and pressed her head against the cool metal of the balcony railing. "They're peole!" She called defiantly.


She ran her fingers over the petals of the mechanical flower on the window still by the door, the light lit and rippled around her touch before dying at the centre.The food smelt good, the food always smelt and tasted good though, especiallty for colourless labs of nutrience. She looked at the empty kitchen whcih was being cleaned by the various machines made for that purpose. They whirred and bleeped, singing a lonely song. The laughter from below twirled up the stairs and pulled her reluctant body down the stairs. She threw a smile onto her face. Her mother turned brightly to her and her father made eyebrows at her, nodding discretely to the boy at t he end of the table.

"Anya, my darling." Her mother cooed and Anya walked slowly towards her mother who wrapped a loving arm around her waist. "This is Jim and Tayla Scott and their son--"

Anya's face was tipped with a smile but her eyes registered fear and panic because at the end of the table was--

"Cason Scott."

It was Cason looking at her in what seemed to be shock and discomfort.

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