Title: One Direction Are Underworld Creatures Except...?!
Author: highon_1D
Category: 1D Fanfiction
So let's get to reviewing!
First off, I'd just like to say, how much I'm amazed that Chinese was your first language, and you can write a detailed story in English.
As I read the story, I loved how much detail you put in it. My only complaint would have to be, the plot. The idea of one direction being supernatural creatures, has been used quite a lot. However, just because that plot has been used before doesn't mean you should change it. Come up with plot twists and turns. I guarantee this will hook the reader. After all, everyone loves a good plot twist.
I saw only small, minor, hardly noticeable grammar mistakes, ones that could be easily fixed by reading over the chapter out loud. Reading your work out loud will help you, find grammar mistakes, and check to make sure if the piece flows.
The main character in the story is a girl that is Singaporean. I thought that, that was awesome. I mean, in all the other fan fictions it's always a skinny white girl, it's nice to see different races in the fan fictions.
Over all, this was a good read, and good luck on continuing your story!
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