{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2} [3]

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I woke up and rolled over to check my clock. My eyes bugged out when I saw it was eleven a.m. I had stayed up way late last night pouring over my dad's old notebooks. I know that it's weird but it's kind of like I was getting to know him by reading the words and notes he wrote. I couldn't believe how much there was here that wasn't recorded. I got up and  took a quick shower before heading downstairs. It was strange how quiet the house was. It was almost erie. I walked into the kitchen to see Matt sitting alone at the table with some paperwork about the upcoming tour spread across the table. He smiled at me when I entered shyly.

"Morning, hungry?"

I nodded shifting around.

"Pancakes and eggs sound good?"

I nodded again. I didn't know why but I always felt awkward around Matt alone. Like somehow he was able to read me and understood me better than I did. Like the whole grandparents house instead of the picnic. Or giving me the music to play around with on my dad's old drumkit.

"I talked to Jason this morning. He's gonna stop by your grandparents and make sure the kit is all in order for you."

"Oh thanks," I said as Matt poured me a glass of orange juice while the pancakes were sizziling in the skillet.

"So...your mom I think is trying to be subtle but as usual failing amazingly." He flashed a smile at me.

"Let me guess she left and took the boys with her?" I asked as he sat a pancake in front of me.


"Sorry, I can find something to do so I won't bother you."

"Andy you don't bother me."

I sat awkwardly for a second and just chewed my bite of pancake until I had to swallow it.


"Andy, can I ask you something and promise not to spare my feelings?"

I gulped down the bite of pancake and nodded nervous.

"Are you sure you're ok with the fact that I adopted you guys?"

I blinked at him.

"Yeah. I mean I'm fine with it Matt. I like the hyphenated name though." I said and blushed. "Not that..."

He shook his head. "It's alright. I wanted you to be able to keep your father's name too."

I looked at him surprised. "You are the one that suggested Mom hyphenate it?"

He nodded at me unsure.

"She never told you that?"

I shook my head no. "She just told us that we would keep dad's name and have yours too."

Matt put some eggs and another pancake on my plate. I eyed it and then smiled at him tenatively. 

"Enough?" Matt guessed smiling at me.


He refiled my glass of orange juice and sat down.

"Did you want to drive a bit today?"

I looked down at my plate. The truth was I was a little scared to drive with Matt.

"It's alright. We can just go down to your dad's grave and come back if you like."

"Um well I..." I stopped not looking up.

"Did you want to do something else?"

"My dad's sticks...."

{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now