Unit 1 - continuation

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Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use (you probably won't be able to understand the grammar within the sentences at this point, but it is good to see as you progress through your learning).

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found .

= fruit

= alcohol

= umbrella

= leaf

= church

= river

= season

= weather

= kitchen

= homeroom teacher

= vacation

= pear

= carrot

= radish

= potato

= knife

= word

= grammar

= foot

= sea

= newspaper

= customer

= a rich person

= education

= feelings

= mountain

= turn (turn to go)/order

= exam/test

= to stay

= to relax, to rest

= to send

= to come by walking

= to go by walking

= to invite

= to cry

= to welcome

= to be happy when meeting somebody

= to be warm

= to be high

= to be poor

= to be new

= to be low

Adverbs and Other words:
= a counter for books/magazines/etc

= 'person' – high respect form, also a high-respect counter for 'people'

For help memorizing these words, try using our .


In this lesson, you will be introduced to your first (of very many) connecting particles in Korean. You can usually use these particles to separate two ideas/phrases/sentences. In this lesson you will learn about 고 and how it can be used in sentences, also using the example of ~고 싶다. You will also learn that some words (usually position-like words) play by different rules than most verbs in these situations.

Connecting Particle ~고

When studying Korean, eventually your entire life becomes learning about the various connecting particles and their respective meanings. There are so many of these things, whose functions are essentially to connect two clauses, sentences, or ideas. These particles usually get attached to the end (i.e. the adjective/verb) of one clause connecting it to the next clause. The simplest one of these connecting particles is ~고, which can be attached to the stem of a verb/adjective.

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