Preface: Violent Delights

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- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

The dreary sound of the radio echoes in Haylee's ears as she sits in the blazing summer sun, her naturally pale skin burning in the heat. Even the breeze is hot, giving her no relief from the tedious heatwave. This particular summer has been a hot one, and, according to the news, it was only going to get worse as the days passed.

However, in this park, this lovely, sunny park, Haylee almost felt at peace with herself, and the world...almost. But she could never truly escape her troubled thoughts, not for long, at least. For every child with brown curls or dashing grey eyes that pass by her makes her think of Cedric Diggory...makes her remember the flash of bright green light that struck his chest. It didn't help that every child who layed eyes on her would hurry away, terrified. They had all been warned of 'those Potter children'. Everyone had heard the rumours of them being hardened hooligans. 

She left Hogwarts with a rather positive mindset about it all, however, being alone was something she was not prepared for. She rarely sees Harry during the day, for he too disappears to his own place of tranquillity.

Once again, Hermione, Ron and Tay have all been terrifyingly quiet, and not one of Haylee's letters to them have earned a reply. She and Harry received one letter from their father at the beginning of the holidays, simply stating that they would see each other, but for the meantime, they were safer in Privet Drive. 

Draco hasn't gotten into contact with her either, and the worst part is, she can't tell if that's a good or bad thing. Last time she had seen him, she had threatened to break up him. What she had said to him was true, of course, but there were things she left out. Ever since she got back from the graveyard she couldn't look at Draco in the same way. Every time she saw his hair or his eyes, she would instantly remember Lucius Malfoy.

Yet you allow your son to romance the bane of my existence...

She remembered the way Lucius avoided her eyes when she was tied to the he shoved her back towards Harry and Voldemort when she had staggered into him. 

Perhaps there was a part of her that's trying to protect him, to keep him safe. After all, Voldemort had named him directly. That's what she tells herself, at least, when she's feeling guilty. 

She had once likened her relationship with Draco to Romeo and Juliet (minus the heartbreaking ending) but now, she isn't so sure. 

"These violent delights have violent ends," she murmurs into the summer air.

Nobody can predict what Lord Voldemort's return will bring for the wizarding world, but Haylee sure as hell knows one thing; these violent delights, will have violent ends. 

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