The Secret Agency

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It all started with the Romanians elections.The Romanians picked Klaus Johannis to be their president,but just after a year in which Kluas did nothing,a secret agency(P.S.D)wanted him dead.The assasin the agency chose was called Victor Ponta,an ex-politician who worked with the secret agency(P.S.D)
   In the winter the hole mission started.Victor went to the agency's HQ to get his equipment.As soon as he steppted in the building,all the people loooked like they saw a politician(Oh,wait).The boss of the agency told him to follow him to the confrence room.In the confrence room were a lot of politicians ,influencers and rich people and Basescu,who were munching on some blueberry cookies
   "Sit down"the boss said
    "As you can tell,we are here all for the same cause,taking down Klaus,.If you please sign this contract"And he pushed a 10 tonne file to him
    "No shit" Victor cursed "can't you summarize all this?"
     " Yeah,some assurance policies,terms and condition,funeral stuff,blah blah blah
     "Wait what?"
     "Never mind"the boss replied
     "I will sign then for you,but..."he coudn't finish his sentence because Basescu stood up
    "It's not ethical to kill" he said while rising his weapon
     "Really?" Victor asked
    "Wait,let me finish!It's not fair to kill someone just because you want to,he didn't finish his job,let Klaus finish his president job!
   "Yo,calm down or we will shoot you!"one of the people said
    "I won't calm down!Maybe you will be Romanian's hero but you will end up in a coffin just like everybody else
idio....."and a bullet took him down.
     "Ok Agent 008 go and grab your equipment from the secound floor and the receptionsit will give you the key to your buisness car"
    "An Aston Martin?"Ponta asked
   "Go!"the boss ordered
    He went to the second. floor and grabbed his normal stuff:a pistol,a rifle,some grenades and a Shaorma because Shaorma is a caloric bomb.Then he went to the recptionist
    "Agent 008,Ponta,Victor Ponta"
    "Yea,these  are your car keys and your car is in front of the building"the recptionist said and gave him the key,unfortunetly the key had a Dacia badge on it
   "No Aston Martin?"he asked
  "Pardon?"she said like why are you still here don't you have something to do/kill
"I don't have an Aston Martin?"he asked once again sadly
"Dude,we are on a budget so get the hell out of here I am busy eatching  cutie cat videos
After he got inside the superb Dacia 1310 and stalled the engine a thousand times (driving a Dacia si more engaging and stresfull than geting married)he drove to Sibiu where the president was

Agent 008Where stories live. Discover now