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I raised out of the bed around 8 to see Shayne had already got up the first thought I had was that he left me ,so I jumped out of the bed and ran into his loving room to be meeted by Ian,Anthony and him "morning " they all said which caught me off guard " you and Shayne are riding with us due to their not being enough room in the other cars we also don't have a vlog camera" Anthony said as the other two sipped coffee " I am gonna throw on some clothes and I will be back in here in a minute " I said before running into Shaynes room to gather all of my stuff and then throw on some travel clothes " you ready " I heard Shayne ask from outside the door " yes "I said as I opened the door to be greeted by a smirking Shayne " God your beautiful " he said before getting his suitcase " lets go " Ian screamed as we all four headed out to the car " How long will we be there " I asked which caused Ian to turn around " 1 week " he said before we all entered the car " I am driving " Ian said as Anthony then motioned for me to take the passenger sit "go on (nickname) " Anthony said as I looked at him and rolled my eyes as I opened the car door to the passenger side " hey travel buddy " Ian said laughing at me " hey " I said back before getting out my ear buds " are you really gonna listen to music the whole ride " Anthony asked me which I responed back smartly " well maybe if I was able to sit beside Shayne I would talk more " I said as gave Anthony a cold stare " well continue listening to your music then " Anthony said as he looked over at a disappointed Shayne. I put in my ear buds and started my playlist of Youtuber music as we pulled into a driveway " what are we doing " I asked as Anthony opened up my car door " the heck " I asked as I got out of the SUV " ok y/n you and Shayne in the very back mark beside me " Anthony said as the famous Markiplier entered the vehicle " hey Ian " he said as the door shut " sup bro " Ian said laughing " I am not Felix " Mark said before laughing at Ian's response " hey Shayne " I whispered as Shayne put his arm around me " your brother is crazy " Shayne whispered back which caused me to laugh " I have a blog Camera " mark said which surprised us all " we can upload tge video to both are channels " Mark said as he handed the Camera to Anthony " ok you all ready for the video " Anthony asked as Mark just smoothed his hair back " ok 1...2...3 " Ian said as he then gave back focus on the road " welcome to smosh is bored , today we are headed to Smosh Winter games ....Again " Anthony said as he panned the camera all over the car " I know you are most likely wondering who the man with the red hair is , we have Markiplier with us on the trip this year , so the teams will be even with my sister and Boze joining in to " Anthony said as he then turned the camera to me and Shayne " hey " Shayne said as he gave his awkward wave " hi " I said as I then also waved " back to Mark " Anthony said as Mark got close to the camera " lets play a game " Mark said as he pulled heads up on his phone . " celebrities " he said as he put his phone to his head " is it starting " Mark said as the three of us nodded at him " I am gonna build a wall " Shayne said which caused Mark to guess the person immediately " ok next " Mark said as Anthony gave it a shot " I am a rap god " Anthony said " Eminem " Mark shouted which caused me to jump in my sit " we are almost there " Ian said which caused us all to stop playing the game and just stop vlogging " so y/n is it " Mark said as he turned around to look at me " yea " I said back " you are all she talked about on the flight to LA " Anthony said which caused Shayne to tense up ,which I just held his hand " I think my brother means that I like your channel like Jacksepticeyes as well " I said as we pulled into the driveway to see everyone else was all ready here " hey y/n " Mari said opening the car door to hug me " hey " I said back as she lead me into the house " where am I sleeping " I asked her which caused her to laugh " umm since you are the last girl in you have to sleep in the guys room " Mari said shrugging " it is ok " I said as she then lead me to my room " you will be sharing with Shayne , Lasercorn , Sohinki ,Flitz ,Mark , Ian and Anthony " she said before wishing me luck then leaving " there is a girl " Flitz said as he jumped off his bunk " yep " I said as I put my belongies on the table " HELLO roomies " Shayne said as he anthony, Ian,and Mark entered the room" poor y/n " Anthony said as he to noticed I was the only girl " so there are eight bunks and none of us have claimed ours yet so " lasercorn said " everyone get with a partner " Ian said as he then stood beside Anthony , Flitz and Lasercorn stood next to each other and Mark grabbed Shayne so I was with the lonesome Sohinki " hey " he said in a almost cheered mood " nice to talk to you again " I said as I then hugged him " ok I am gonna get some pizza but it is getting late so I understand if some of you guys want to sleep " Ian said as everyone left the room except me. I walked around the room knowing this was gonna be fun staying in a room with a bunch of guys " sohinki let me have top bunk as well so I then got my phone charged in a outlet close to the beside when Shayne walked in " hey " I said picking over the bunk bed " god " he said as jumped back and looked up at me " come down here or I am coming up there " he said as he got a evil smirk on his face " never " I said as he headed up the ladder " gotcha " he said as he grabbed my leg which caused me to yelp " are you jealous " I said as he had me pinned to the bed , I poked his nose which caused him to smile " you know it " he said as he then smashed his lips onto mine which I didn't mind as he slowly leaned closer to me as I held the back of his head the door opened and Courtney walked on " O my god I knew it " she said giggling as she then ran out of the room " fuck " me and Shayne both said as we headed of the bed he ran out of the room and I went into the bathroom to try and fix my makeup when I heard the voice of Mark " funny but I wouldn't invade your business" he said to me as he crawled into his bed " him I never thought I would actually see what your gaming boxers looked like to figure " I said before turning off the lights and leaving the room to see everyone talking amongst them selfs " hey y/n " Sohinki said as everyone else just did what ever but I didn't see Shayne "    hey " I said back as he just stared at me " yep " he said as he sipped his drink then walked off " good going y/n " Mari said to me as she gave me a high five " thanks I guess " I replied to her as I noticed Shayne walk in from outside " you scared me " I said as I walked up to him " why " he asked as he smiled at me " is there a hot tub " I asked him as his eyes slowly lit up " yea we can go out to it tonight if you would like " he said as he then looked around to make sure No one was looking as he slapped my butt " bullseye " he whispered as I then playfully punched his arm which drawer attention by the remaing people awake " lets go to bed " I said to him as I then winled. We both had top bunks so he climbed into his as I did mine and we both fell asleep.


(Smut ahead beware you can skip it if you want you have been warn, also this is my first smut / lemon so it might not be good)

It was around 2:00 am when I got a text that said be outside " I got up and changed into my bikini as I headed out the door to see Shayne in the hotub " perfect " I whispered as I slowly climbed in " he wrapped his arm around me as he then pulled me into a sweet kiss " are taking the slow or not " I asked in between kisses " if you want or we can go all out at this awesome cabin " Shayne said as he played with my bikini top strip " I mean what if someone sees us I haven't lost mine yet and we could ruin the hotub " I said as he then picked me " to the shower then " he said as we quietly headed to the master shower that is for the game we are doing today " Shayne be gentle please " I said as he then turned on the shower he first took of his trunks and stepped inside as he helped me in I tried not to look at his member trying not to be awkward " I am gonna take my topp off first " I said ( get it Topp hahaha ...I'll go home) as then tried to look away which in knew how that feels " you can look if we are gonna be together we will have to except eachother " Shayne said as he noticed my worries " I will go slow " he then said as he slowly slid off my bottoms " back or front " he said as he messed with my hair " front I guess " I said as he then potioned himself at my entrance " this is gonna hurt but I will be careful " he said slowing pushing in which caused me to whimper " I'm fine " I said to him as the hot water hit my body " you can go faster " I said as he slowly began to pick up his past " are you ok " he asked me which was answered by my moans " I love you " I hummed out as he went faster the pain went away and the pleasure kicked in " don't stop " I said which surprised him " but I am about to ..." He said before I cut him off " I will be fine ride it out " I said as he then went harder . He pulled out as we were both breathing heavy . "whatcha doing " he asked me as I lowered to my knees " you don't have to " he said as I took his length in my mouth " y/n " he moaned which only made me go faster "y/n y/n " he said as he threw his head back. I stood up turned off the water and then stepped out to see the time to only be 2:30 " wow " I said as I threw on the clothes Shayne had brought in for me " we need to go out one at a time so No one gets supsious " Shayne said as I pulled him in for a kiss " thanks for all of that " I said which caused him to smile ear to ear .

( end of smut )

I crawled into bed as Shayne did as well and was already asleep . when I noticed a empty bed " omg " I whispered to myself as Mark then walked into the room rubbing his eyes he lied down and just messed on his phone when I got a text.

Mark- next time you and Shayne decide to have some fun be quiet your lucky I like you as a person and covered for you guys

Me- omg thank you I guess sorry didn't mean to interrupt your sleep " I said which caused Mark to laugh. I fellasleep as I listned to Jacksepticeyes All The Way.

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