A warm welcome

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Outfitt of the day

I woke up to the sun shining into my room as it reflected off of my blue window blinds cascading a blue tint on all the surfaces around me

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I woke up to the sun shining into my room as it reflected off of my blue window blinds cascading a blue tint on all the surfaces around me. My body ached as I forced myself to crawl out of bed and do some morning stretches to alleviate the tossing and turning from the night before. With the agonizing stretching complete for the most part I dragged my feet over to my closet and pulled out the fit for the day. 

Nothing too special as it was a moving day and I knew I did not want to ruin any good clothes with scraps and tears of cardboard.

With my outfit officially on and my hair lightly curled for the day, I left my room, shutting the door quietly behind me before my feet took me directly down the stairs to be gifted with bright sunlight coming in through the big bay windows. 

"Guess who is here" my mom's voice rang out from what could've been the front door. As I turned the corner to be greeted with an oh-so-familiar face. 

"Anthony" I nearly screamed as I ran right into my brother's open arms, being lifted up only a tad bit off the wooden floor below me. "I missed you so much" I added as I was let go of the hug just to see him and our mother laughing a little too much for my own personal liking, "Now what is so funny?" I questioned almost becoming borderline left out of the conversation I walked in. 

" Y/N I love having you here living with me, but I can no longer really afford this big of a house, so me and your brother have been talking and he has offered for you to come down and live with him in California." my mom stated with a little too much ease.

I stood looking between them with too much confusion as I had definitely been left out of a serious conversation," Mom I had intentions of moving in with Jackson and Hannah today. I thought you were aware of this conversation?" 

" I just don't think moving in with your boyfriend and high school best friend is the path you should be going down." She responded back with a sigh of discontent with my decision-making skills. Anthony decided to also add in," Plus you'd be able to make new friends and even meet other... better... guys in California."

" But I love Jackson and I have been friends with Hannah since pre-school!"

" Listen if it is such a big deal I will drive you over to Jacksons' house right now. You and him can talk things out and we can go from there" Anthony offered to try and talk me off the cliff, he and my mom knew they had me on. 

I only nodded my head in hushed agreement to the offer. Parting ways with Mom before we both went out the door, my brother has only walked through a mere 10 minutes ago. 

Heading down the brick steps with Anthony not too far behind I finally got the see and ride in his new Camry. "Well just look at you moving on up in the world," I remarked in regard to the car only to get a side eye from my brother in response. 

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