Heart Set

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Belle is completely involved in this get Sophia and Rocco together thing which not only keeps her away from everything that is going on but get her mind off thinking over and over how much she wants to get away from this life and we will it won't go on forever – I will get her out of here and we will have the life we deserve but for right now having JKS off our backs is the one thing I have to focus on, what happens after that happens but for now we will all be dead if we don't end this – once and for all.

Jason and I go down to the warehouse to sort out a plan of action once Rocco and Sophia get home from their drive – fuck knows where Daniel is probably off fucking the chick his been cheating on Sophia with. He talks about wanting to protect Sophia but his never around her anyway. The only one that would have a chance to protect her is Rocco – he is the only one looking out for her. Nate still isn't where we want him to be but after finding out Sean is part of JKS we need to act fast before he manages to catch on to our plan. Even though Nate hasn't been part of the JKS for long he knows a lot more than we ever found out and honestly we need this. Finding out how to get in and where we will most likely find the people in charge is key to fixing this entire problem and at the moment Nate is the only person that can provide us with that information at this point, I just hope this all goes off without any of our blood shed – JKS have done enough damage and it's time to end this once and for all.

Jason and I work out amongst ourselves that we need to send Sean on a job for a few weeks and the perfect person to send him away with is Daniel and a couple of the other guys that we trust. I ring Daniel and tell him what's going on, getting him away not only helps us but will also keep Belle busy with her plan of getting Sophia and Rocco together. His way too unstable to send him into anything right now he'll just end up dead so we need to avoid that as much as possible. We decide that having Sean out of the picture means that we can afford to wait a few more days before we take any action.

When I get home Sophia and Belle are sitting on the couch watching some reality bullshit on TV.
"Can I talk to you?" Rocco asks me

"Yeah." I say

We go into his room and he smirks at me.

"Why have you guys sent Daniel away?"

"Because his too unstable to be involved in any of this and his better babysitting Sean than hanging around here causing more bullshit."

"So it has nothing to do with Belle's plan of trying to get Sophia and I together?"

"Not at all...." I reply

"Bro I like her but I don't think this is the way to go about it."

"Hey you do you Rocco – honestly it was the best idea it had nothing to do with you and Sophia."

"Sure." He replies

"So how was your little drive?" I smirk

"Shut up man."

"Yeah whatever." I reply and turn around and walk back out to the lounge room.

I go and sit next to Belle and place my hand on her thigh.

"What are you watching?" I ask

"Vanderpump rules – Katie and Tom are...."

"Yep okay." I laugh "That's all I need to know."

"You never support anything I like." She laughs

"It's a chick show Belle, I don't really care."

"You're mean!" she says playfully punching me in the arm.

"Can you two idiots be quiet!" Sophia snaps

"Well I'm sorry...." I tell her "I didn't mean to interrupt this very important program...."

"Shut up." She says shooting me a dirty look.

Rocco comes over and sits down.

"Not this bullshit again..." he says

"We are supposed to be quiet." I tell him as seriously as possible.

"It's not like you are going to miss much – just an argument or two." Rocco replies

"It's a very important show Rocco – haven't you figured that out yet you dumb cunt?"

"Ohhhhh I'm sorry... Yeah I didn't realize it was crucial to human kind to watch it."

"Can you two seriously shut the fuck up!!!!!!" Sophia yells

"Ummm I don't know if that's possible." Rocco replies

"Yeah we haven't mastered the art at being quite while watching reality TV." I tell her

"I'm seriously going to throw you both off the fucking balcony if you don't shut the fuck up..."

"I'm petrified Kyle..." Rocco smirks

"Me too!" I laugh "Don't do it Soph!"

"Arghhhhh! You two are the most annoying people I've ever met!" She replies

Belle is getting bored of being here – she hardly has much freedom but we can't risk it its way too dangerous at the moment. She won't know herself once we have dealt with the JKS and we can finally leave this place and have our own carefree life. I can see why she wants Rocco and Sophia together though, Sophia is actually happy around Rocco she doesn't seem sad and miserable since Daniel has been gone. His good with her too if she looks slightly upset or whatever he asks her what's wrong and hugs her – I've known Rocco for a long time and I have never seen him like this with anyone.

"When can we go home?" Belle asks me

"When all of this is over beautiful girl."

"I'm so sick of being here." She replies

"Hopefully it won't be much longer." I smile "So how's your mission going?"

"Sophia wants to be with Rocco and Rocco wants the same but they both don't want to hurt Daniel – or cause problems. But Sophia wants to leave with us when we go and it seems like Rocco is on bored with that now too... Apparently Jason said if its what he wants to do Jason isn't going to hold him back – something about choosing this over your feelings is one of his biggest regrets."

"Yeah he said the same to me." I reply

"He regrets he didn't choose me over the other shit?" she asks

"I guess that's what he meant." I lie – I know it's exactly what he meant but admitting that to Belle was something I would prefer to ignore.

"Oh." She replies

We spend days waiting until the moment we can start our attack and we hope it will end it but in all honesty I don't know how any of this will ever end – but I guess I have to be hopeful I have to hope that one day this will be all over and Belle and I can have a normal drama free life. If I don't fight for this I'll loose Belle and I've fought too hard to have her in my life – I knew the minute I met her how perfect she was for me and I will never give up on fighting for her.

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