The camping

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The stardate was twenty-three eighty-seven, February 14th. Our scene made way down the Vulcanian street where we see some Vulcans were strolling by talking in low voices. There was sand mostly everywhere seen about the planet save for the mountains that rose to the sky. The Vulcans were dressed for the occasion. The sun was unforgiving shining upon the planet. The shadow of the sister planet T'Khut was in the distance over the other side of the planet. There was specifically bred sehlats that resembled Pomerians being walked past the house. A pair of Vulcans stopped looking fondly at the house that had a staircase with rails on both sides. There was a fence that was painted gray alongside the house with a sign that read 'Intruders allowed' that was crossed out and replaced with 'Children must have chaperones'.  The doors were sliding doors with a cat door at the front.

"I am not surprised they changed the sign in Vulcan." The shorter Vulcan suddenly spoke up. This Vulcan is a male in his late hundred twenties named  T'Presi. He looked as though he were in his twenties much like the companion beside him. The companion beside him was a dark Vulcan named Zezek with earrings on their ears that were golden and a golden rim around the pointy small ears.

"Did you see what it said last week?" Zezek asked.

"Negative. I was at the Vulcan Academy of Science." T'Presi said.

"It said 'No Sehlat turds'." Zezek said.

"Turds?" T'Presi raised his thin eyebrow.

"Turds." Zezek nodded their head.

"That is illogical to toss Sehlat turds into their yard." T'Presi said.

"We have illogical adolescents on the loose." Zezek said.

"Have it has been uncovered who exactly did it?" T'Presi inquired.

"Negative." Zezek said.

"Never before have I heard our street refuse to launch an investigation into this." T'Presi said.

"Mr Spock has just returned from his Ambassador duties, permanently, for his retirement with his t'hy'lara." Zezek explained. "They do not wish to inquire at this time where he is meant to settle in and enjoy the beginning of his retirement. With all due respect toward the Ambassador."

"I see." T'Presi said.

 "And he has not bothered to act on the hormonal adolescents doing this so we will wait before acting." Zezek said.

"I do not understand the logic." T'Presi said. "If he knows about it. . ." Which means he didn't know.

"They have yet to leave the house." Zezek said.

"How long have they been inside?" T'Presi asked.

"Two days and thirty-eight minutes."  Zezek said.

"They are likely enjoying each other to the fullest." T'Presi said. "At their age, it would be logical. The humans can pass away any day now." Zezek looked over in alarm toward the taller Vulcan who had his hands in his sleeves. "And it would be best for them to enjoy their moment together. They will be on their feet in the next few hours. Now if they were in there for a week. . ."

"That is a different story." Zezek said.

"Affirmative," T'Presi nodded. "And gravely concerning." He looked over toward Zezek as they passed the house. "How is your Ashaya, fainusu?"

Our scene went through the door and into the living room. We can see a kitchen from across. The backyard appeared to be well cared for asides to the random weeds sprouting up. There was a table with a couch behind it and a long wide screen. There was rugs seen here and there. There were collections of Klingon objects hanging on the wall. Vulcanian collections were seen around the room. There was a touch of moving holophotos lingering on the wall. We see the back door has a car door. A black cat was running around holding a small dark rodent in its mouth going down the hall with grayed hair along her body. Her name is Buttons. She made her way down the hall past the guest rooms turned from living quarters of their children. She came to a door then pawed at it. The door slide open gently before the cat.

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