*The three of us as superheroes, failing at everything*

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*black screen, explosions go off, screams*

*three dark shadows run in an alleyway towards the sounds of destruction, one goes for a roll into the scene but ends up rolling sideways into a wall while another trips and falls on their face resulting in a nose bleed*

*the road is covered in car parts and ash, the side of a tall building has a hole in it, people are running around screaming as two figures cause mass destruction and murder in the vicinity*

Nutmeg: Hey, you two!

*one of the figures is kicking a helpless innocent in the stomach*

April: Stop what you're doing right now!

*the other figure smashes car windows*

Star: Hey, that was shady!

*the figure stops kicking the innocent's stomach, the area is empty besides the two criminals, three fighters of the crime, and that half-dead citizen over in the corner*

The "Let's-Kick-People" Figure: Mind your own business morons!

Nutmeg: You're the moron, moron!

*April holding her hand to her nose as blood drips down her face*

April: Whdat gives you da rigdht to caudse desduction?!

The "Smash-Car-Windows" Figure, looking at Star with since confusion: What did she say?

Star: She's saying that you two are shady people!

Nutmeg: I'm pretty sure that's wrong but that doesn't matter right now! We are turning you both in!

The "Smash-Car-Windows" Figure: Oh yeah, really? I'd like to see you try.

*intense music plays as camera zooms in on the figure's face*

The "Smash-Car-Windows" Figure: I challenge you...


The "Smash-Car-Windows" Figure: To a 'Your Momma' off.


*everyone disclosing the "Smash-Car-Windows" figure gasps*

Nutmeg: You're on!

Star: Nutmeg, no! It's too dangerous, your life is just as worthy as everyone else's!

Nutmeg: If it meas keeping my beloved wife Salvadorian and our quintuplets safe then I will do anything!

*Nutmeg turns to her opponent*

Nutmeg: Let's do this.

The "Let's-Kick-People" Figure: Okay, I have a coin, guys. You, small angry kitten girl over there, you get tails, and my bud *fistbumps partner* gets heads.

*April's nose has finally stopped bleeding*

April: Now wait just a second! My friend here gets heads, not tails! It's a sacred tradition among our people that declares that the shorter opponent must always get heads!

*everyone stares at her*

The "Let's-Kick-People" Figure: Okay...

*the figure flips the coin, it lands on heads*

The "Smash-Car-Windows" Figure: Hacks!

Nutmeg: Haha I go first!

*dramatic zoom in on Nutmeg's face*

Nutmeg: Your momma so fat, she doesn't need wifi cause she's world wide!

*the two figures gasp in horror at her words*

The "Smash-Car-Windows" Figure: You'll regret that, ferret!

*dramatic zoom on figure's face*

The "Smash-Car-Windows" Figure: Your momma so short, she broke her legs jumping off the toilet!

*our three heroes gasp in disgust at the shitty attempt*

Nutmeg: You'll pay for that one!

*dramatic zoom in on Nutmeg's face*

Nutmeg: Your momma so ugly, Hello Kitty said goodbye!

*the two figures gasp in pin, "Smash-Car-Windows" figure screams in pain at his loss as blood drips from his nose, mouth, eyes, and ears*

The "Smash-Car-Windows" Figure: Nooooooooooo!

*the figure explodes*

*victorious music goes off as Nutmeg and her crew jump around in victory, they quickly run back into the shadows as the police arrive to arrest the now lone figure*

Star: Noice.

*April and Star high five Nutmeg, we try to scale a building which ends in us all falling back to where we started*

*cut scene to us running across a rooftop where Star falls enabling a chain reaction of them all falling in a pile*

*cut scene to the three standing in a badass pose on a rooftop as April suddenly swats at the air trying to whack a fly*

Narrator-That-Suddenly-Exists: Now the world will no longer live in fear of their windows being smashed, for we were saved once more!


(A/N: HEY Y'ALL! THANKS FOR READING! Hope it was funny. Nutmeg thought of this one, Star wrote it, and April published/edited it.)

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