My Hero

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Y/N - Your Name

S/H/N - Super Hero Name

h/l - hair length

h/c - hair colour

e/c - eye colour

S/H/N was running across the rooftops checking for criminals, bank robberies, thugs or even petty purse theft she closed her eyes and let out a sigh, few people knew this but Y/N was S/H/N the superhero and tonight she was looking for anything to beat up to get her mind of a certain someone.

Ben Riley A.K.A. Scarlet Spider, the both of them had been close in their period of time they knew each other before he betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy and revealed Spiderman A.K.A. Peter Parker identity to Doc Ock his most dangerous foe but then he proved himself when he crashed Hydra Island into the bay saving hundreds if not thousands innocent lives

Y/N would never tell anyone but she fell in love with Ben. Sure he was rude, moody and only cared about himself at times But when you got past the layers of tough exterior he was charming, nice and respectful.

She didn't have a clue what she was supposed to do but whatever she tried she just couldn't seem to get over him

She heard a rustling and turned around but then something toppled her over quickly and something was enjected into her arm she suddenly felt tired and woozy.But before she could succumb to unconiounous she hit the emergency button on her communicator that sent out a distress signal.

Than everything went black.

They were finishing up the clean up of the symbiotes once the students of S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy and S.H.I.E.L.D. personal found out that it was Kaine and not him that zapped the energy of the students and set off the security protocols they were less acusing but still on the edge around him, but who could blame them? He betrayed their trust, helped the Sinister Six destroy their home and reaves led one of their own identity

He turned around hoping and dreading that S/H/N was at the acdemy

Ben wasn't used to keeping his emotions bottled inside but what to say to her if she was here or showed up, He enjoyed hell loved spending time with her the warmth of her hand as she showed him around New York, her happy and bright nature, he enjoyed the time when he was with her and the contact of her when she hugged him once every though being near her made him fell strange...

Yeah, Scarlet was no fool, he'd known what this was from the minute he'd started wanting to punch Agent Venom's lights out for hugging S/H/N. He had a crush on S/H/N

But he didn't deserve her, she was perfect, she had trusted him and open up to him, welcomed him and even trusted him with her secret identity. He hadn't wanted to tell her about his feelings for her when he was working for Ock beacause he was scared that she would think he had been using her and who knew if she liked him back.

"Has anyone seen S/H/N?" Scarlet Spider asked

"Now that you mention it I haven't seen her since she went out on patrol" Kid Arachnid said thoughtfully

Then Spider-Man's, Agent Venom's, Iron Spider's and Kid Arachnid's communicator went off with a distress signal

"Distress Signal from S/H/N's communicator" Iron Spider said

Ben felt his heart start racing, Y/N was in trouble.

"No rest for the weary" Spider Man said 

Y/N opened her eyes only to be met with a bright light shining in her face, her head was ringing like a bell, she was in the sewers judging by the smell and she was being held down by some restraints and was on a lab table

The last thing she rembered before she blacked out she was on a rooftop, then hearing a noise she turning around and was knocked off her feet, Then she hit the emergency button on her communacator

"Doc Ock" Y/N spat the name out like poison glaring at the man, he might have had a new look but Y/N could tell immediately it was still the same horrible villian by the smug smirk he was wearing, she would've busted through the restraints and wiped that smug smirk off his face if the sleeping drugs weren't still in effect

"Hmm, a perfect test subject for my latest experiment" he said holding a needle just above your arm, Y/N struggled to get out of the restraints as Ock was about to inject whatever was in the needle into your arm.

Than there was a explosion to the left

S/H/N turned her head to the explosion to see the Web Warriors and a female in a black and red spider suit and... Scarlet Spider, Joy filled Y/N's heart as she layed her eyes on him.

"Sorry to crash the party folks" Spidey joked he webbed the needle "Yoink" he said taking it way from Ock, Then he, Agent Venom, Iron Spider and The Mysterious Spider female than proceed to fight Ock, While Kid Arachnid and Scarlet Spider raced over to you and released you from you restraints.

Seeing that you were in no condition to get up and fight due to the sleeping drugs Scarlet Spider gathered you up in his arms, You were in Scarlet Spider's strong arms when you succumbed to unconscious for a second time

You woke yet again from unconious yo fing yourself in the S.H.I.E.L.D.'S medical bay with Scarlet Spider by her side holding her hand

Scarlet Spider saw her awake "Hey" he said

She hit him on the head so fast that his spidey sense wasn't able to warn him and then hugged him just to make sure it wasn't a dream, she felt Ben tense under the embrace

"You idiot, we were all thought you were dead, we searched for days!" Y/N said hugging him more tightly "Why didn't you tell us you were alive?" Y/N asked holding him afraid that if she loosened her grip just a little he would disappear

"I needed answers and I didn't want anyone else to get hurt beacause of it especially you Y/N" he said

"I don't know what I would do with myself if I got you hurt" Ben answered gazing into your e/c eyes "The truth is I you, I'm okay if you don't feel the same way" he said turning his down and looking disapointed even when he was wearing a mask.. 

You brought his head up and hesitantly brought your hands to his mask and pulled it up just over his nose feeling him go rock still, than you gently pressed your lips to his and wrapped your arms around his neck, his eyes widened and he froze for a minute then relaxed closing his eyes deepening the kiss and his hands landed on your waist and drew you closer 

Than the both of you reluctantly pulled back from each other but not letting go of each other with you having a smile on you face

"That answer your question?" Y/N said resting her head against Scarlet's chest

"Yeah" Ben answered stroking Y/N's h/l h/c hair, then youboth kiss again

Yep everything was perfect.

This was request by chloebella209 

SPOILER ALERT for episode 10, 11, 21, 22 and 23 episodes

Sorry this took so long I just wanted to make it perfect since Scarlet Spider is my favourite character

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