Adym and sawyer were sat on the bench in the park, it was really awkward because I had no makeup on and I looked a mess. I didn't think I would see anyone I was walking my dog(bud). I thought I would try and hide from them so I put my hood up and turned around, I then let bud of the lead and he ran off but he ran to far so I had to shout to him. When I shouted to bud I Hurd my name being called by adym, I couldn't just ignore him so I had to turn around. Nea--"hey guys" Adym--"how long have you been stood there for" Nea--"about 20 minutes" Sawyer--"how did you not see us" I was thinking in my head if I should tell them I did see that but I chose to ignore them or I should just say I was daydreaming so I didn't see Them there. Bud came running back to me and jumped up onto the bench there adym and sawyer were sat, Adym--"who's this little guy" Nea--"that's bud, my dog" Adym--"hey little guy how you doing" Adym--"what you doing later" Nea--"I don't think I'm doing anything, why what's up?" Adym--"nothing's wrong I just thought maybe you could come over and work one the presentation for a bit" Nea--"yeah I would like that" Adym--"cool I'll pick you up around 8" Nea--"yeah that's great" I turned around and started walking back home, I thought about adyms girlfriend. I know I've only known him for like 3 days but it feels like I've known him for my whole life and I feel really bad for him Because he doesn't realise that's he's being played.
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