Chapter 2

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I walk out of my school. And  Laila  is running straight to me. She is screaming and look like a maniac. I prefer to go run away because i'm scared. But i think thats not a big plan. OMG OMG OMG help me dancy laila screaming to me!!! Is she crazy??whatsapp laila i yeled to her. And my name is Daisy. Johnson tried to kiss me on my mouth! laila whispered.  Wauw that is all i said a little bit to hard. Laila people kiss you for a reason. Maybe he likes you? Who is that hole johnson child? i asked her. Johnson is my teacher for french. Now i'm the wone who can scream. WHAT is said. Yes Daisy therefor is runned away. Maybe he is a pedophile is said with a thinking face. Every school has certanailly one pedophile.  BUT BUT.... and laila started to cry.Thats thaa ... i. is not goof sor my ihmap. What did you said? i asked. Thats not good for my imago and she is running away from me with a crying face. Oke i think that was weird and i try to forget this whole shit...


in the bus is see a  white building. That must be 'Accondia'. It is a store to make your own instrument. I'm goning to apply there. I hope so much they hire me.

Good afternoon I say on a friendly voice. Can i apply here?? Yes of course said a fat friendly man. Come with me , lets go to room were you can tell something about yourself he said. Oh what rude from me, my name is Hiden Clye but you can call me just Hiden. Ok , my name is Daisy greanlop.

Meanwhile they are in the little room. Daisy takes the first best seat and sits down

Why do you want this job, beatiful lady? I want this job because i am jobless and my motivation is to help people with stuff. But my best argument is i'd love to sing,dance,play music and i love to be with people who loves that to, i said. Okay welcome. You can work here if you want to. But tommorow is your fist day at work. Don't mess that up want then you're fired. Have a good day He said. And he hupped away... Weird i think by my self and i'm so excited. i'm gonna go to the Mac Donald. 

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