Chapter 1- The First Day Back

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blasting my eardrums so I knew I had to get up. I got up and went into my en suite bathroom and had a quick shower. Then when I came out I applied a light layer of foundation some mascara and winged eye liner and did my eyebrows. I then did my hair into a braided crown and a high ponytail then got dressed.

 I then did my hair into a braided crown and a high ponytail then got dressed

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Her hair^(not her face)

Her hair^(not her face)

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Her outfit^

Once I got downstairs I greeted my mum who was making pancakes and my dad who was eating the pancakes. I grabbed my plate and drowned it in syrup. I got out my space grey iPhone 6s and texted Natalie and Mira if they wanted a ride to school since it was first day and it would be nice to arrive together. They both replied saying yes .
I said my goodbyes to my parents then went out into my black Range Rover. My family is quite well off but they still have to work for their money - well actually my Dad does all the working and my Mum is a housewife.

I got into my car and started playing one of my favourite songs called Bad and Boujee by Migos(A/N: I love this song soooo much).

I honked the horn twice signaling for Natalie to come outside. After a couple of seconds she came out wearing

 After a couple of seconds she came out wearing

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Natalie's outfit ^

"Hey Rils!" She said
"Hey Nat! , I love your outfit!"
"Thanks, are we picking up Mira?"
"Yeah,she can't be bothered to drive like you"
"Oh alright but you know my parents took away my keys because of the party "
"Yeah yeah, sure"
We were now outside Mira's house so I honked the horn twice to signal your arrival. In a matter of seconds Mira came out wearing...

Mira's outfit^"Hey guys!" Mira said"Hey" Natalie and I said in unison "We have about 45 minutes to get to school and I have to meet up with Aaron , so I don't think we have enough time to get some Starbucks" I said

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Mira's outfit^
"Hey guys!" Mira said
"Hey" Natalie and I said in unison
"We have about 45 minutes to get to school and I have to meet up with Aaron , so I don't think we have enough time to get some Starbucks" I said. Aaron had told me to meet up with him before school started so we could see each other. The girls aren't really a fan of our relationship because they think he is just using me for my popularity.
"Ugh! Him again!" They said in unison.
"You know he is just using you,I don't get why you are still with him" Natalie said.
"I really think you should break up with him before he breaks your heart" Mira stated.
"I'll think about it " I said. I was really considering it since we have been really distant lately.

We arrived at school and got out of my car there was a huge crowd but as soon as we got down from the car they cleared a path for us to walk through. Perks of being popular,I guess. As we walked through the path there were wolf whistles from boys and glares from girls that are jealous. We ignored the attention because we were used to it.

We walked into the building and saw Grayson , Ethan and Jack. We walked up to them and said hi. I was a little distant from the conversation because I was thinking about how or if I want to break up with Aaron.
"Riley! Riley! " someone called me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Grayson waving a hand in front of my face.
"Sorry , I just zoned out a bit I was just thinking..." I said
"About?" Grayson questioned
"I'll tell you at lunch in private,okay?"
"Yeah sure"
Grayson was someone that I could really trust. We grew up together and we were each other's first kiss. I even had a crush on him while we were in middle school but I always thought he only saw me as a sister an nothing more.
"Anyway I've got to go see Aaron, bye!"
"Bye!" They all said.

Aaron said I should meet him outside the English room, so I made my way down the hallway and took a right turn to the language hall and stopped outside the door.
I heard some noises coming from the inside. I peeped my head through the crack in the door and saw...
~Hello my Boujee babes ! This is my first chapter EVER and I mean EVER so I really hope you enjoyed this and comment if you want more. If I get like 15 reads I will continue the story but if not - oh well 😔 😭😭😭jk but still I'll be sad but I'll get over it.

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