Chapter 2~ Newest Couple in Town

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I peeped my head through the crack and saw Emily and Diana(two girls that are in my geography class) making out on the teachers desk. I was so shocked cause I never expected them to be lesbians; it's not like I have anything against lesbians but I just never expected it. I wanted to give them their privacy so I quietly removed my face from the crack in the door. As soon as I removed my head I turned around and saw Aaron.

He looked a bit flustered with his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. Maybe he has a cold.
"Hey babe!" I leaned up and gave him a peck on the lips. He tastes of strawberries,weird.
"You didn't send your streaks on Snapchat this morning. How come?" I questioned. It was a thing I did with all my friends including Aaron. It was like a tradition, and it was part of everyone's morning routine.
"Oh-uhh-I I forgot-yeah and I had to some h-homework yeah" he stammered while scratching the back of his neck. "Okayyy? Make sure to send them later on so we don't lose our streaks. Okay?" I said unsurely . He was acting really weird today. "Y-yeah sure okaybye" he rushed out the last part then walked off. That was so odd.

I walked out of the history room with Natalie and Grayson when the bell for lunch rang.
"Hey Natalie could you save a seat for G and I. I need to talk to him for a sec"
"Oh sure"she said and then walked away.

"Hey" I said putting a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Hey so um you wanted to talk?" He said.
"Yeah so I've had a lot on my mind lately and its about Aaron" I said
"Oh what about him? He cheated? I won't be surprised if he did" he said seeming to get a bit angry.
"Well I'm not sure but I think he is like this morning when I asked him why he didn't send my streaks he said he was doing 'homework' like who the fudge does homework in the morning?"
"Anything else you wanna add so I can fully analyse your situation?" He said and I chuckled then he smiled. It was something we did whenever either of us had problems and we were discussing them. "Actually yes Dr.Dolan when I gave him a peck he tasted like strawberries and I don't wear strawberry lip gloss or lip stick I wear vanilla flavoured lip gloss/stick. Can you believe it?" I said
"Well as your doctor I'm advising you to confront him. As you know I don't like him and no one in the squad does too. Left to me I would dump his sorry ass!"
"I know you guys don't like him very much and I'm starting to see why but it just hurts you know. Don't get me wrong but I really like him but it's just gonna be hard to do this but I can and I will" I think I have finally made my decision to break up with Aaron but I'll need some help.
"Yeah I understand"

We walked to the cafeteria together and sat at our table. I decided to keep Aaron out of my mind for now so I can enjoy my lunch with my friends. I looked over to Mira and Eth and saw that he had discretely wrapped a hand around her waist. So I did what anyone would do to embarrass their friends and screamed "AAAAWWWWW" . Everyone on our table jumped at my sudden outburst and turned to where my attention was; Mira and Ethan. They both turned as read as sun dried tomatoes . Unknowingly Ethan had wrapped his arm around Mira even tighter in a protective way. This made all of us swoon and aw . I nudged Jack and he knew what to do . He got out his phone and took a picture and posted on his Snapchat story with the caption 'look at the newest couple in town 😜😹' . Ethan reached over the table and tried to grab the phone from Jack but failed miserably.

"So when did this happen? " asked Natalie while wiggling her eyebrows. I let out a chuckle at her comment.
"Well it happened today when we skipped half of second period before break " said Mira shyly . She still looked as red as a tomato from all her blushing.

"Guys I have a ship name for you. It's.........METHAN!!!" I said while doing jazz hands.

"This is so adorable, I knew E liked Mira , I mean everyone saw it coming but I never thought he would get the balls to ask her out so soon" G said
"Yeah I remember how you always used to go on and on about how hot Mira looked or how you get boners when she walks past you" Jack says and Ethan looks as red as ever with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. I was finding this hilarious as well as Nat who was laughing like a dying hyena.
This is why I love my friends we always have fun together. We rarely ever fight.
~ hello my peng gang 💕 if anyone was reading this story and they got up to this point... THANK YOU 😊 It means a lot that you actually read this so thank you 💗also I wanted to say I will post the next chapter if I get 20 reads ummmm yeaaaah please comment too and vote thank youuu ❤️

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