Chapter 42: Santa

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21st December 2017

'Come on, I have to do last minute shopping,' I say trying to pull David out the door

'Okay, I'm coming, just to check though, you have bought my present right?' He says grabbing his coat and wallet

'Babe, I bought your present before I got your anniversary present,'


'No, I have no idea what to get you,'

'Me neither,'

'Do you want anything?'

'Well, it would be nice if our family's spent Christmas together,'

'I would love that so much, can we do it, please,'

'Yeah, sure,'

'Oh my god, I just had a brain shock lightbulb thing,'


'What is we hire a big house and invite both our families over and cook Christmas dinner for them,'

'Did you come up with that all by your self?' He asks in a baby voice

'Yep, cause I'm a big girl,' I reply in a baby voice

'Come on then big girl, lets go shopping,'

'It's going to be so nice spending Christmas with most of the people I love,'

'What do you mean?'

'Well last year it was just me and you and even though I love you more than anything, it would have been nice if I saw my parents,'

'Your so cute,' he says, kissing the top of my head


We get to the mall and I pull David into basically every shop. We go around for about three hours and buy everything we need. We're about to leave when I see a massive sign pointing towards santa's grotto

'David, come on we have to go,' I say pulling him towards it

'Fine, but can we go home after?'

'Yes and I will give you a million kisses, now come on let's go,'

There's no cue as we are literally the last ones in the whole mall

'Ho ho ho hello,' an old guy says dressed up like santa

'Hi santa,' I say going and sitting on his lap

'What can I do for you?' He asks, David's over in the corner, laughing at my enthusiasm

'Well, I was wondering what I should get for that boy,' I say whisper talking

'I don't know, what's his favourite thing,'


'So why don't you just spend the whole day together?'

'Will do, thank you santa, and thanks for making my childhood,' I say jumping off his lap

'Your welcome,'

'What did he say?' David asks, putting his arm around my waist

'I know what I want us to do for Christmas,' I reply looking up and smiling at him


'I'm not telling,'


'Nope, come on let's go home,'

12th February 2017

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