Chapter 10: The white light part 1

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Chapter 10: White light part 1


Well from this chapter on there will be a baby on the way. Maybe at the end of this season I will have my own episode where she goes into labour and Tommy is stuck in battle I will figure it out closer. She will still fight but she will be careful and they change her suit to protect her baby. Please review and tell me what you think.

*Jessica Lee Scott: Cheetah thunderzord power*

Jessica's POV:

I am so worried right now. I am three months late for my period. I have added up the days and I am definitely late. I cannot think about what could be causing this. The only thing that I could do right now was to take the test. If I am then I need to get in touch with Tommy. As he is the only possible father, and to go to a doctor just to be sure. I have taken the test and now I am waiting.

Two minutes later and I walk over to the test and pick it up I read it. I cannot believe it I am pregnant I will have to contact Tommy later. I had received a letter to say he is coming home and I wanted to tell the others. For now I would keep the news to myself until I had spoken to Tommy.

I arrived at the youth centre and seen Billy, Trini and Kim on some barstools. I put on a smile and ran over to them.

"Where are the other guys?" I asked in a cheerful voice.

"In the park playing football with Curtis and a few of the others," Billy explains as the girls look confused. "Why?"

I move to sit down besides Trini.

"I have some great news," I tell the three of them. "Tommy sent me a letter and he's coming home at the end of the week."

They all smiled.

"All right!" Kim says.

"Excellent!" Billy agrees nodding his head. "That's great!"

"That calls for a surprise party," Trini suggests.

"My thoughts exactly," I say knowing that I had a really big surprise. "Let's go get the other guys."

We take off for the park. As I am walking I feel my stomach churning. The morning sickness is starting to take affect and I forgot to take the meds.

We arrive at the park and we see the boys playing football.

"Hey you guys Tommy's coming home," I yell to them all and both Zack and Jason turn to see us walking.

"Yeah!" Zack says happily.

"That's great!" Jason says. "When?"

Me and the others stop.

"At the end of the week," Trini tells them.

"We're going to throw a surprise party," Billy tells them and Kim nods her head.

"I'm in the mood for a party," Zack tells us happily. "It's been way too quite around here."

We decide to sit down and watch the game for a bit.

after a bit Jase comes over to take a drink. We are all shocked when we hear an explosion from not too far away.

We all glance to where it came from.

"Man are they dynamiting up there?" Curtis asked.

"Not that I know of," Zack replied.

Jason passed me his drink back and motioned to Billy to come with him.

"Guys keep playing," he says to zack, Curtis and the other players. "We'll be right back."

Me Trini and Kim watch as the two walk away.

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