Chapter 1: Finding

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          Shen wasn't so sure about inviting a human onto their crew. They were dangerous and unpredictable savages who no one really understood. But the captain wanted one and Shen couldn't deny that she was also curious. Since the odd species had only been in space for a few whimsy years, not much was known about the relatively young race. Still, there were stories and rumors that floated around. Ones that told of the unbelievable things a human would do survive, even going as far as to cut off their own limbs. The more bizarre thing was that they survived through that, going back to normal. Humans were dangerous and unpredictable savages who were also nearly immortal. And Shen wanted to know more. 

          But that meant going to a human pub. As a quiet person, Shen didn't really go out very often anyways, but from what she heard a human 'club' was an entirely different experience. Which Shen could believe as she wrinkled her nose at the mound, bright, and dirty building that she was standing in front of. Taking a deep breath Shen reminded herself of her plan. She would go in, find a human to convince, and then leave and arrange another meeting preferably somewhere much quieter. With another doubtful look and a wrinkle of her nose, Shen opened the door and entered the club.
          It was an explosion of sound and color and smell and people. Shen had to take a moment of staring stupidly from the entrance to regain her senses before finally taking in the numerous sights around her. There were deep throbbing vibrations that seemed to move through the air, and bright lights that swept over the mass of bodies churning in the middle of the building. It was very disorienting and Shen found herself stumbling to the bar on the side, staring at the people around her. There were a few species she recognized, but there were mainly humans, all pressed together and moving as one mass to the lights and the sounds. Shen collapsed at the bar.
          Barely ten ticks here and I want to leave she thought bitterly, staring out at the humans surrounding her. A sudden presence shook her from her thoughts, and Shen shifted her gaze to the female human who had sat next to her. They were short (although, she supposed, maybe not to human standards) with hip length brown hair and a shirt claiming YOLO that exposed her midriff. Noticing Shens gaze, the human bared her teeth in a grin at her.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" The girl yelled over the pounding vibrations, still grinning before tossing back the bright colored liquid the bartender had given her.
Shen just blinked. Her first conversation with a human. And it was in a dimly lit and extremely loud bar where they had to yell to be heard. 


           Shen took a moment to steady her stomach before replying . " LOOKING FOR A NEW HIRE" she had to practically scream over all the sounds, "YOU INTERESTED?"  The girl looked thoughtful for a moment before standing up and motioning for Shen to follow as she started to weave through the mass of bodies. 

            Shen was grateful of  her height as it helped keep track of the small human as they made their way through the crowd, to the back of the building where they slipped through a practically hidden doorway. The relief Shen felt as she stepped through the doorway into the quiet and calm alleyway behind was almost indescribable. 

           " The names Ella." The girl twirled around and held out her hand for a shake, ignoring the unconscious and most likely drunk humans and various species that littered the walls. 

           " Shen" she said, grabbing and shaking Ella's hand like she had studied about. The humans grin grew wider. 

          " What was this about hiring?" She prompted Shen, " I'm definitely interested" 

          " Yes, we are heading out into the deeper parts of space, and the captain wished for a new crew member to join us." Shen supplied " We can set up a meeting time and place if you want further information. The girl nodded, and Shen could see her grey eyes, highlighted by smudged blackness, calculating. 

          " Alright" she finally said, eyes meeting Shens own black ones, face serious. Then she seemed to morph, eyes lighting up and back slouching a bit. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she headed over to the door. " 10 o'clock tomorrow at the Paradise inn. See ya later alligator." And with a swirl of wind and the sound of the door closing she was gone. Leaving Shen alone in the dark alleyway surrounded by unconscious bodies. 

She hadn't expected it to be so easy.  

SO... I know this is trash and all, but I pinky promise this is heading to funny space shenanigans.

As soon as they get to space...

Whatever! Thanks for reading!

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