Chapter 6

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John Hansson's Journal

March 7, 2045

I am now completely certain of one thing. Adaryn is completely and totally insane.

He had pronounced to me the idea of escape. Escape! Of all things! Though I have not been in Malor long, I have learned by now that it is crazy to have hope, and even crazier to try to reach for it. A darkness looms here, like a constant weight on my shoulders that cannot be lifted. I do not feel safe, and I fully believe I am right to feel that way. There is something about Malor that I cannot grasp... a secret hidden behind high walls and armored soldiers. A secret no one is meant to find out.

After thinking for some time, I considered the possibility of seeing my family if I went along with Adaryn's insane idea. He had better have a pretty amazing plan if he wants to get past the wall and defenses of this stronghold we are being held in. For now, I will just assume he is smart enough to figure this plan of his out.

I think I am going to trust Adaryn. I have to, if I want to see my family again.

• • •


I waited patiently in the darkness by the bars of my cell before something caught my eye. A smooth stone, roughly the size of my palm, rolling closer to me. Tied to it with a scrap of fabric was a ripped portion of parchment. My lips cracked into a sly smile. Finally, an answer.

Carefully, as to not attract and unwanted attention, I reached my thin arm through the thin gap in between two bars and clasped my hand over the rock. Upon pulling it back to me, I was annoyed to find the entire rock wouldn't fit through the bars. Not like I exactly like I expected it to, anyways. Not everything can go exactly how I wanted.

Quietly, I unwrapped the cloth and took the parchment it held. Parchment in hand, I scampered to the left wall of my cell so John could share in my exciting moment.

"John." I whispered happily. In this moment, I could almost forget the hunger that was eating me alive.

"Yeah?" Came the dreary response.

"I got an answer."

"What in the world are you talking about?"

I huffed a quick breath, remembering I had not filled him in on this particular detail.

"I have a... colleague in a cell very close to the front entrance. I asked him in a secret note to find out how long there was in between the guards passing through the hallways and in front of the door. He has just replied." I informed him quickly.



"I just don't see how you are going to get us out of here... or why I am even trusting you."' He said.

"Well, you want to see your family, do you not? And to that, you must reach your craft. That is why you have chosen, wisely, I might add, to trust me." I responded confidently.

"Right. So, how long do we have?"

I turned to the parchment, which I then opened. The writing was barely legible.

By door- 3 minutes

Down hall- 8 minutes

"The guards pass in front of the entrance every three minutes, and down the hall every eight." I informed him. I heard John scoff.

"Do you really think we can make it out in that time? That is less than ten minutes to get out of our cells, through the prison, and over the wall. And, even after that we have to get away." He calculated.

"Well, it may be close, but I am confident we can reach our destination if we remain smart." I had a feeling my attempts at comfort were not having the desired effect.

"Ok. Let's say we are able to make it out of the prison. There is still one thing you have overlooked."

"What have I missed?" I asked. Surely I have thought of everything.

"Tell me, where are you right now?" That was a seemingly meaningless question. I looked around.

"My cel-. Oh..." The realization dragged my spirits downward.

"Yeah. We are locked in iron cells with no key. How do you expect to get out?" John asked.

There was always the stupid way to get a key. That is, to pickpocket a guard as he passed in front of the cell door. Surely, this would only buy me a swift execution. Immediate, maybe.

Key... key...

I pounded my fists against the hard rock wall, which was painful an cut my knuckles slightly.

"If only I had a lock pick. A piece of sturdy wire, a thin stick, perhaps. With one, getting out would be simple." I wished aloud.

John and I spent the next minute in complete silence as I wracked my brain for a helpful idea. Burrowing? There was no way I could dig through several feet of concrete with no tools... Bribing a guard? Once again, a way to gain execution. A guard was trained to be strong and never-waving his entire life. Besides, what did I have to offer? Nothing.

"Wait..." John said suddenly.

"Do you have an idea?" I asked eagerly.

"I may have something to pick a lock with!" He exclaimed.

"Really? What?"

"I still have my wire-framed reading glasses on me."

Glasses? What in the world was he talking about?

"Erm, pass them over." I said, unsure.

I got into the corner of where the wall between the two cells met my cell door and put my right hand through the bars. A moment later, I saw John's hand with something in his palm.

I couldn't stop myself from pausing to look at his hand. Mine were dirty and thin, but his were light, clean, and healthy. Upon one finger, the second from the left, was a golden ring.

Once, I met an old minister who told me the one could tell a lot about a man from only his hands. A farmer's hands had calluses and dirty upon them. A blacksmith's were strong and covered in grease from the gloves he wore.

John's hands were strong but soft and gentle looking. Those of a hard-working father. As for mine, I had the hands of a prisoner. An assassin...

I took the object from John and studied them. They were spectacles formed with thin bronze wire. They were exactly what I needed.

Holding them out of the cell, I used the stone that still lay were I had left it to break the glass lenses. After that, I pried apart the wires, bending each one in a certain way to fit my needs. After a few minutes, I held a pair of roughly fashioned lock picks. The idea of freedom was growing ever-more into a reality. Now, all we needed was correct timing a a little luck.

"John, we are ready. Tomorrow, we will be free men." I said, holding up the lock pick and studying it.

• • • •

Thank you so much for reading! This is my first story on wattpad. I hope you liked this chapter, and the next one will be up ASAP! I promise the next one will be a bit longer. Leave a comment below, and I'll much appreciate it!

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