Chapter 14

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Early the next morning, before the sun even rose, John and I prepared to depart.

Large packs of food, clothing, and other necessary supplies were strung over our backs. They had been prepared the previous night by Evangeline.

Every since dinner, everyone had watching me strangely, almost cautiously as if something was wrong with me. I hated it. It wasn't my fault John and I would be traveling across the country with my family's potential murderers.

After a quick breakfast, John and I took up our packs and made our way to the foyer of the Warden's house on the prison grounds. Both Evangeline an my father waited there for us.

Evangeline slowly walked up to John and kissed him lightly on the cheek. He smiled down at her.

"Goodbye, Evangeline." He said quietly. She nodded with a small smile, then walked over to me.

After approaching me, she kissed me on the cheek, as she had to John. Then, she whispered in my ear, which she had not done.

"Good luck." I smiled.

"Thank you for your help." I whispered back.

Evangeline took a couple steps back and looked at my companion and I.

"There is a small bottle of medication stowed away in each of your packs in case you, Adaryn, begin to grow sick and weak again. Judging by the severity of your recent illness, I can almost guarantee that it will return." She informed us. I sighed, thinking about how sick I had been and of how little I wished to experience it again. I was still not fully recovered.

We both nodded gratefully in unison, and Warden stepped forward.

"Adonis, Clev, and Jarve are waiting outside with your horses. I have already informed them of your path of travel and steps that must be taken to achieve your goal." He said.

I could not help but scoff. Our goal? It was his idea to send us off! We were only following along to gain our freedom.

With that, I adjusted my pack so it sat more comfortably on my back and led John outside without another word. Evangeline and Warden watched us leave. Deep down, I knew I should have said something more, but I could not find the word.

The frigid air outside the house immediately stung my skin, making it feel red and raw. I bundled my thick scarf tighter so it covered the bottom half of my face, and John did the same.

"Winter is almost upon us." I stated as we trudged towards the stables a little less than a quarter mile away from the Warden's quarters. For sanitary reasons, it was unwise to keep the number of animals housed in the stable near a residence.

John looked up into the gray sky, wind whipping his red face painfully.

"That's what I guessed. It will be much harder to travel in cold, won't it?" He asked.

I nodded. During our time together, I had gathered that people who lived on Earth tended to combine multiply words for convenience. Truthfully, I did not see the point in it.

We arrived at the stable after no more than ten minutes of walking.

The stable was a tall an long building, much larger than the one within the prison walls. Many of the wooden panels that made up the walls looked to have been replaced.

I pushed open the door and walked into the stable, John following. The air inside was much warmer and more pleasant. The space was lit by two candles in the corner.

The door slammed hard behind me as a result of the wailing wind that had begun to increase in power outside. I glanced around the stables, squinting in the low light.

Both of the long walls of the rectangular building were lined with stalls, each occupied by a variety of horses, gryphons, and many other varieties of mounts. The air was musky and smelled strongly of animal, even through my scarf.

I took a couple cautious steps into the stable until I stood in the middle.

"Adaryn." A deep voice said behind me. Surprised by the sudden sound, I spun around to see Adonis, looming tall and proud over me. Clev and Jarve stood quietly behind him. My first instinct was to feel overwhelmingly intimidated by his tall stature and crimson eyes. It took all I had to stand tall and look the soldier in the eyes.

I couldn't say anything. All my thoughts were consumed by the remembrance of the terrible vision I had had- an how in it these three men had sent a spear through Venia's heart and taken Danya away.

When I didn't respond, Adonis stepped forward and embraced me tightly. I felt like I should struggle an break free, but then a thought came into my mind. Adonis had not done anything yet. He was still my dear friend. Hesitantly, I embraced him back.

When Adonis released me, I looked up to find him looking past me towards John. I cleared my throat.

"Adonis, this is John, my companion. He will be coming with us on our voyage." I explained. Adonis nodded slowly, then turned to his foot-soldiers.

"Fetch the horses." He commanded. Clev and Jarve disappeared into the darkness, returning a minute later. Each held three reins in one hand. One horse for each of our company an an extra to carry supplies.

Each of us took one horse. Mine was a mountainous roan with a black snout. I took a moment to stroke the silky coat of the great stallion, feeling the rippling muscles beneath the skin. Looking to John, I saw he had a gray pinto of equal size and stature. Also, a great mount. The three soldiers each had great black stallions.

Adonis strolled over to the stable door and opened it slightly. The wind howled and pounded, making the effort quite difficult. It was also clear a heavy rain had begun to fall. He scowled.

"We will wait out the storm in here. It is far too dangerous to travel in this weather, especially with Adaryn still not recovered fully." Adonis stated. Every head turned towards me, as if they were accusing me of making us wait.

At the news of our delayed departure, I sunk to the ground, removed my pack, and leaned against it. My body felt weak and achy, but not as bad as it ha been. Over all, I just felt sick and tired.

Within moments, I was fast asleep.

* * *

I awoke several hours later to a hand pressed against my forehead. Groaning, I opened my eyes to see Jarve. His red hair was cut short, an his crimson eyes seemed to bore into me. He looked concerned.

"You have a fever, I'm not sure if you can travel. Adonis had instructed me to wake you since the storm had passed." He said unsurely. I shook my head and sat up slowly, though my whole body protested against it.

"I'll be fine. Trust me, I've been much worse recently." I tried to laugh, but couldn't. Jarve reached down a hand to help me up, which I grasped.

"All the more reason to be careful, lad." He pulled me up off the ground. On my feet, I staggered to the side, catching hold of my horse's back to not collapse fully. Jarve took my arm and helped me back to the ground, which was coated in clean straw.

"Let us saddle your horse and prepare. You must rest."

I sighed and allowed him to saddle my horse.

When he finished, Jarve assisted me into the saddle. After everything was ready, Adonis opened the stable door, mounted his horse, and began to lead us outside.

Our journey had begun.

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