Chapter Five

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I didn't expect that.

There's vulnerability in his eyes.

"Why?" It's been years since the last time we saw each other and it isn't like we had been on good terms. Not after that.

"I've had a long time to think." A simple statement. He clears his throat. "I... sincerely regret what I've done to you." A genuine apology. From the serious expression on his face down to the firmness in his voice as he spoke.

I can't help but snort. "Do you remember what you've done to me."

A hint of pain creases his face. An obvious sign. "Yes." Still straight forward. "And I will for the rest of my life."

"Then you should know that what happened," I gesture in a big circle with a hand, "isn't something that I can easily forgive." I can't help but let a bit of anger slip into my voice. Thirteen years and you still make me fucking furious.

"I know." Simple acknowledgment. "I regret it. I know better now and I knew better then."

"I trusted you."


My hands curls up into fists. "I told you in confidence Roland. I thought you would be on my side." My breaths become ragged. "FUCK!" I turn around and stalk away. Footsteps follow. Why? WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!?

A hand grasps my shoulder for a split second. One second and there's a loud bang as I grab the hand, twisting the arm attached behind the taller man, forcing him against the locker with enough force for the noise to echo down the hall.

"Matt..." There's pain in his voice. "Please. Hear me out."

"What is there to hear out?" I growl into his ear. "That you fucking betrayed me? Left me out in the fucking rain like a god damn stray? That our sixteen years of friendship meant nothing to you? All because I happen to fucking like men?!" With each question, my voice gets louder. Each question, Roland seems to shrink, becoming smaller and smaller - ironic considering his larger frame.

"I'm sorry." The whisper carries an uncertainty with it. Not over whether or not it's sincere - but whether or not he should hide his emotions. Not that he has a choice. "I missed you." His voice cracks. "God, when you left, I-"

"WHEN I LEFT?!" My voice echoes down the hall. "You can't be serious when you're telling me that you only realized things when I fucking left!"


I flinch as if by instinct. My mind grinds to a halt, trying to process the whirlwind of emotions within me.

His eyes widen and fill with terror, tinged with regret. "I- Oh god Matt... I didn't-" He pushes past me and breaks into a run.

"Fucking coward!" My shout echoes down the hall after him. "Always fucking running." I lean against the locker, breathing hard. Adrenaline rushes through my body. With shaking hands, I dig out my car keys and hurry outside and climbing into my car.

I sit there, taking deep breaths, trying to slow down my erratic heartbeat. It's within me, unwilling to be ignored. That fucking pull. The just barely hidden yearning. The scent marker. I growl, gripping my head with frustration, shaking it wildly as if to get rid of this innate want, the unrelenting demand. Battling with myself, I finally act, climbing back out and wearily making my way back into the school, following his scent.

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