Chapter 8 - Drama Queen

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"She asked you to be one of her bridesmaids?" I could hear Tamara roaring with laughter on the other end of the line. "Not just that, her maid of honour" I replied in a grouchy tone. Tamara's laughter got louder, then stopped all of a sudden with a choking sound. "Tamara?" I asked worriedly, pressing the phone against my head. The laughter started again. "It's alright, my wedding gown was just strangling me a while before" said Tamara, "one of my bridesmaids is scolding me as we speak". I could hear a endless, angry, high pitched squealing sound on the other end of the phone. "Is that Tilly? HI TILLY!" I yelled into the phone. The squealing sound stopped and yelled back a reply. "Are you trying to make my eardrums bleed all over my wedding dress?" grumbled Tamara. "Nope, just saying hi to Tilly" I said, trying to hold in my laughter. "Well Tilly doesn't want to talk to you, she's busy" replied Tamara. "Doing what? squeaking about how annoying I am? why doesn't she doesn't deal with it, I beat her at that club, because I OWN the dance floor" I started tapping my feet rhythmically so Tamara could hear the loud sounds I was making. Tamara laughed. "Are you trying to change the subject?" she teased. "Nope" I replied, because I was. "Isn't it funny how you went to win Liam back and then you tried to kill his fiancee?" giggled Tamara. I was glad someone was finding my situation amusing. "I wish I could, because then I wouldn't have felt guilty about the peanut thing and I wouldn't have agreed to the whole bridesmaid stuff" I moaned loudly. Tamara laughed once more, and a chorus of voices joined her. "I see your posse of bridesmaids have arrived, I bet their all models so your wedding will look good" I joked. The laughter stopped and a chorus of insults were thrown at me. "Tammy... I'm not on speaker phone am I?" I cautiously asked. Tamara gave a short laugh, "you shouldn't insult my bridesmaids, they're not all models but all are equally beautiful". A long chorus of aww's could be heard clearly through the phone. I rolled my eyes. "Anyway" continued Tamara, "do you want to hear about my wedding or not?". "Umm.. of course!" I replied enthusiastically. "Well first of all, we have guests from all over the continued coming, my parents who had been on holiday in egypt just came back and they brought several of their high profile friends with them, models, actresses, singers, business people.. oh and a local newspaper is covering the event, I forgot their name though, I think it was something along the lines of the New York..." Tamara stopped to think. "Never mind that! tell me the rest of the details!" I said impatiently. "Oh yes! and it's hollywood glam themed, but of course we asked specifically if no one else could wear the same shade of white I'm wearing, oh and! I forgot to mention my dress! it's truly gorgeous Keesh! umm Cassandra, It's got a sweetheart neckline and fishtail skirt in so many different frilly layers, it has some unique embroidery around the neckline and around the edges of the skirt". "Don't forget to tell Queisha what we're all wearing!" squeaked Tilly, "she'll be absolutely jealous!". "I can never be jealous of anything you wear, Tilly" I replied. Tilly gave a indignant squeak. "Anyway, the girls are all wearing silvery tight around the hips, sequinned dresses" Tamara carried on, extremely bored. "Oh and the food! it's all fancy stuff like lobster and caviar and things Abe's dad likes, but I'm not really a picky eater so I don't mind, and after we make the speeches, we're going to have like this epic dessert tasting mini party! and it's going to be so much fun, I wish you were here, Keesh, and the venue is at this cute little dining hall that the president stays in during his visits, it's sooo glamorous...". The phone cut off for a while and I wondered if it was because of technical difficulties, but then I heard Tilly and several other bridesmaids screeching loudly. "Give it here" said a slow american drawl, that I recognised immediately. "Abe! it's bad luck to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding!" squealed Tilly. "You know I don't believe in any of that rubbish" snorted Abe. He had always made an effort to hide his accent in Anerbriva so it was a bit of a shock to hear it so openly now. I heard the phone being snatched out of the air, and the sound of feet moving fast, then a slamming door. "Well that's better" said Abe. "My ears we're dying in there" I complained. "Mine too, and I was in the room across the hall" agreed Abe. "So, how are you feeling? nervous?" I teased. Abe gave a small sigh and took a breath in. "You know how I am, scared of nothing, especially not bridezilla's and their dozen's of bridesmaids" he made a small shuddering sound which made me laugh. "You'll be fine" I reassured him, "I don't think Tamara's much of a bridezilla, but Tilly is definitely a bridesmaidzilla" I joked. Abe made a small noise that sounded like a snort. "You know, what if something goes wrong, what if...". "Nothing will go wrong!" I remarked sharply. I could tell Abe flinched away from the phone slightly. "Don't be afraid of the unknown Abe" I said confidently, believing in every word I spoke. "You know.. you actually give pretty good advice, if only you learnt to follow it yourself" said Abe. "Why you sly little..!" I stopped myself before it got too bad. Abe just laughed. "Ok then, I have to go on the runway.. I mean walk up to the altar soon" he said about to put the phone down. "Good luck" I said genuinely. "I don't need it" he said taking a deep breath. "But thanks anyway" he added more softly, as he pressed the end call button. 

It is your destiny - book two of the You can't run forever series.Where stories live. Discover now