The School Carnival (and Meddling Friends)

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Note: This is a continuation of "Moments", but I guess it can be read as a standalone.Enjoy 💕

"I think that's all for today's meeting.'' Kongpob referred to the points that he had typed out on his laptop. ''Oak will ask his sister about borrowing the machine. May, Maprang and Prae will help to design the poster. Aim and I will get it printed out once it's finalized and the rest can help us put up the posters around the school once it's done."

Every mid of the academic year, the campus would host a carnival-like event to gather donations for several charity organizations. The different faculties would set up game booths and stalls selling snacks and trinkets, creating a fun atmosphere for the students. After weeks of planning, everything was finally come into place. Everyone stretched their arms above their head, one by one starting to take their leave since it was getting pretty late.

''Hey, Kong, you're not leaving?''

Oak and Aim were already packing their bags, eager to get back to their room so that they could sneak in a couple of hours of gaming.

''Later. I'm just going to finish up the draft so that I can show it to the professor tomorrow morning. You guys go ahead.''

''Alright, don't stay too late.''

Kongpob plugged his earphone into the laptop and pulled up his iTunes player, clicking on a random song to listen to while he worked on the draft. Tew had worked on it as well, so the least Kongpob could do was tie up some loose ends before submitting it. The library was still filled with students even though it was nearing seven. Kongpob was so engrossed in the report (and the song that he was listening to) that he didn't see Arthit until he felt someone pulling out the earbud from his ear.

''My junior 0062, do you know that it's rude to ignore your senior?''

''Sorry, I didn't notice you, P'Arthit.'' He sat up straight and twisted his body a little to the side, his muscles cramped from sitting too long. ''On the way back?''

''Hm. We just finished our project discussion. You?'' To Kongpob's surprise, Arthit pulled out the chair next to him and sat down. ''What are you working on?''

Kongpob plugged one side of the earbud back in. ''It's the proposal for the carnival next month.''

''Oh..good luck with that. What were you listening to? You were so engrossed you didn't even hear me call your name.''

Kongpob held up the other earbud, ''Want to listen?''

He waited until the older male had the earbud in before he clicked on 'Play'. It was a song that he had been listening to on repeat for the past few days. He wasn't sure if letting Arthit listen to it was a good idea, but it was a gamble that he was willing to take.

You're so cute, more than anyone can resist
You're so lovely I can hardly hold back
When you smile it makes my mind go crazy
Did you ever know?

It's too soon to use the word 'love'
Even though it feels like it already happened
When I'm close to you, just catching your scent
Makes me feel like I am melting

Kongpob was antsy to the point where he couldn't bring himself to look at Arthit, instead staring straight at his laptop. Was this big enough of a hint? Or would this freak Arthit out? After he had given the senior his engineering gear that night at the beach, he wasn't sure if the senior had asked P'Dear what it meant.

Can I use the word 'love' just for one day?
It's too hard to resist, please let me say it
The closer we are together, the harder for me to resist my feelings
You're always on my mind

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