Make The Best Of It (Part 1)

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Note: In this twoshot(?), Kongpob is a third year student and Arthit's a fifth year (let's just pretend that they have to go through five years of university.Hope it's not too weird!hehe we actually do have 5 years of university here 😂)

Two years had passed in a flurry of deadlines, projects and campus activities. Time truly waited for no one. It felt like it was only yesterday when Kongpob had first stepped foot into campus, excited to start his life as a freshman only to be subjected through torturous (but much needed) cheer activities.

Now, he was a third year student himself. As he got dressed that morning for his first day back on campus, it felt weird to put on the standard black shirt and maroon red uniform that seniors had to wear. Aim had persuaded him into changing his hairstyle as well and Kongpob had to admit that the new look wasn't too bad.

There was thirty minutes before the third year hazers had to report to the cheer hall to address the new students. True to his word, Kongpob had joined the hazing committee and was now the head hazer. The responsibilities that came with it was no joke, but luckily he had his group of friends with him. Apart from that, Arthit had also reassured him that he'd make a great hazer. Times were changing and they needed someone who could connect with the students.

Kongpob made his way over to the opposite building, dropping a quick text to his boyfriend. They had barely been able to spend much time together with Arthit away on his internship, and he was glad to finally have the senior back in campus. A year more till P'Arthit graduates.

His phone buzzed and Kongpob could only chuckle under his breath at the older male's reply. He made his way up to the other's room and knocked, having forgotten to take the spare key with him on his way out.

Arthit answered the door, clearly in the midst of getting ready; only one side of the sleeve of his maroon red shirt pulled on, a piece of bread between his lips and his hair uncombed. Kongpob wanted to kiss him silly at that exact moment. The older male was staring at him with a stumped expression on his face as if he couldn't recognize the person standing at his door.

"What?" Kongpob self-consciously smoothed down his shirt, wondering if the uniform looked odd on him. "Do I look weird? Wait, it's the hair, isn't it?"

"'s very-" Use your words, Arthit.

When Arthit answered the door, he had expected to find Kongpob in his usual, crisp white uniform and green tie. It had slipped his mind that his boyfriend was a third year now, thus the change in the uniform. He had even changed his hairstyle!

There was simply no words to describe how attractive Arthit found his boyfriend; the black shirt fitted him nicely and it seemed as if Kongpob had been working
out a little over the holidays, the red shirt stretching out over his shoulders. Fuck, it's too early in the morning to be thinking such inappropriate thoughts.

Don't get caught staring. Play it cool, Arthit.


"Huh?" The bread nearly dropped from his mouth and wasn't that just embarassing? Yeah, make a fool of yourself, Arthit. "I can't find my socks."

Kongpob gave his boyfriend a quick once over, finally focusing on his feet. "You're wearing them, P'Arthit."

Arthit looked down, "I am?" Just let me dig a hole and hide inside forever. "Okay, let me just grab my stuff." He turned around and nearly walked into the open bathroom door (as if he hasn't made a fool of himself already!)

That was the downside of being a not-so-morning person. It was pure agony to have classes at eight-thirty in the morning. Kongpob helped him gather the rest of the stuff, pinching Arthit's nose between his fingers.

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