Chapter 1

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"Far away" i run down the stairs to hear a Big Bang mum what are you doing. What the hell have you done to yourself mum! "Elisa wake up" wow thank god that was all a dream that was so scary iam so tired. MUM! "what Elisa" "ohh never mind" i might just say that iam ill today so that i dont have to go to school. MUM! "for the second time what Elisa" "i feel so sick" "we'll stay off Elisa" "thanks mum" the only reason that i want to stay off school is because i dont like the people in my classes I'am in my last year of sixth form then iam off to collage. well i lied last week of sixth form them iam off to collage hope it will be good there. I'Am just scared to leave my mum. "Elisa I'am going to work now ok" "alright see u later mum" i really wish i had a boyfriend so that i could have some company. (4 weeks later) "Elisa have u packed everything for collage? "Yes mum I'am ready to leave". So we go on our stupid 2 hour drive all the way to suburban collage "mum it's massive" so while I'am sat here waiting for my mum to answer she just looks at me and nods. I think maybe by the look on her face she wants to turn the car around and go home. "Mum are you ok"? "yes fine my dear just thinking about how fast you are growing up" so while I'am sat here in the car i look out of the window to maybe blank out the awkwardness between me and my mum. "Off you go then Elisa" aren't you coming in mum"? "No because i will start crying and not let go of u." I feel so sorry to hear her throat block up as she starts crying "oh mum i will keep in touch ring you everyday" "ok Elisa have a good time" As i get out of the car a tall boy bumps into my shoulder causing all my books to scatter everywhere. I... I'am sorry girl "my name is Elisa not girl" "ohh sorry Elisa you must be new here" In my head i was thinking wow this tall boy blonde hair sexy brown eyes and looks like heaven just feel out of the sky and put me in a coma."we'll I'am Justin.. Justin Bieber" "well it was nice to meet u Justin see you around" he really was a handsome thing wow his tattoos and his dimples look just like heaven. I need to find my room so i ask around until one girl tells me all the directions and before i know it I'am in a room with Justin. Hello Elisa he says "wow" he looks at me like I'am a freak i wasn't meant to say that out aloud. I'am in the same room as you then i guess "yes Elisa you are if that is ok" "oh yeah that is fine" in my head I'am thinking of all the bad things i could do just looking at him. Well I'am going to unpack Is that ok Justin "umm yeah haha" then suddenly a girls with blonde hair walks in and looks at me with a glare i think maybe she is thinking what are you doing in here but i could ask the same question why was she in the room ? "Hello I'am Elisa" "umm alright I'am Jessica but call me Jesse" she looked at Justin then at me i think she was thinking in her head have i walked in on something i shouldn't have. "Are you my new roommate Elisa"? "No I'am Justin's roommate she looks at me and then "haha babe he's playing with u" i just looked and tried to pretend i was smart "ohh i knew that nothing like a joke is there". I'am so tired i need rest but i just dont feel like it "maybe i will go out for food do u know any food places?" "Yes Elisa just go on to campus and there is some there" "ok thanks Jesse" so after a long day i decide to eat a Chinese to myself. I should probally get some sleep now i will need it. "Shut up Justin all you do is sleep with people your a man slag" what is going on outside? "Shut up Jesse you can't say much you have sleep with more than five people this week" so i guess Jesse is in an argument but with who "what the fuck Justin your a fine one to talk yes i may sleep with boys but at least i don't tell them i love them and want them because that just causes fucking arguments" Justin and Jesse arguing that cant be right there meant to be best friends. "i have had enough of that prick" "Jesse are you ok" she looks so upset like someone has just shot her with a gun the pain in her eyes was bad you could tell she had been rubbing her eyes like mad "I'am fine Elisa its just when Justin is drunk he is a handful he's like a fucking child" she will probably be ok by the morning but before i knew it she gave me a hug "Elisa we will be great friends" "yes Jesse we will" but before i knew it her lips pressed on mine a massive explosion happened in my brain i didn't know what to make of it all i knew was it sent shivers down my spine it felt so good. I stood as Jesse let out a moan what I'am only kissing her why is she moaning maybe she is lesbian i knew i wasn't but this moment felt like it would never fade and before i knew it she pulled away. "was that nice Elisa" in my mind i wanted to say no but that would be a lie "yes that felt great but why did you do that? "because Elisa if i was to be truthful you talk to much so i thought i would shut you up" that's a nice way to tell me to shut up maybe she should have just said shut up Elisa but no she had to kiss me i think I'm lucky she didn't put her tongue in. But what the hell she kissed me i feel so tired but i cant get to sleep Jesse and her lips are on my mind....

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