Lesbian Hybrid

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Chapter 1

Veronica's POV

Running through the woods can be the most amazing experience ever especially in my wolf form, but not when your being chased out of another packs territory. My names Veronica Wulf, (yeah Wulf, funny cause I'm a wolf) I'm 17 years old, 6'7, black straight hair, sapphire blue eyes, full red lips, muscular build, tight six pack that would blow you away (in human form).

I'm a PureBlood Alpha werewolf/angel with pure black fur with a red tribal tattoo running down from my neck to my shoulder blade, with pure white wings. Anyway back to being chased, I'm being chased because ever since my pack was attacked and killed right before my very eyes 5 years ago I became a rogue trying to find new land and my "Mate," (did I forget to mention that I'm lesbian) I ran out of their territory and over their border line with minimal cuts and bruises just before they got ahold of my tail and dragged me back to be killed.

Laying down to rest for a bit next to a tree I licked my wounds clean the one on my eye would leave a scar along with the one on my chest, stomach, arm, and leg, I got up scented the area and found it to be free of any packs I relaxed and decided to scout early in the morning.

Early the next morning I woke up to the sound of a twig snapping nearby I growled a warning, then I caught the most delicious scent I have ever smelled it had my wolf purring, I followed the scent not paying attention to the fact that I just crossed back over to pack territory and was immediately captured, four wolves stepped out and only one caught my attention her fur was the opposite color of mine she had the same tribal tattoo as me but black and not as big or as detailed as mine her red fur blew softly in the wind bringing her scent to my nose, one of the males ordered me to shift so I did thankful that my clothes don't rip when I shift my wings still visible on my back my waist length black hair blew softly in the wind and towards them the she-wolf nose lifted and breathed in my scent she went behind a tree and shifted then came back with shorts and a shirt on her emerald green eyes finally looked into my sapphire blue ones my wolf kept screaming one word

"MATE!" She howled

so I said it out loud at the exact same time she did "mate" we whispered I took one step forward only to be rewarded with the males growling at me my mate put them in there place though by growling back she must of mind linked them because not even a minute later they left us alone we met halfway when I pulled her to me and crashed me lips against hers in an all consuming kiss she moaned as sparks flew I licked her bottom lip for entrance which she permitted eagerly I slipped my tongue into her hot mouth with a growl of pleasure after exploring her mouth fully we pulled apart for a breath panting heavily I introduced myself

"My names Veronica, what's yours beautiful?" She blushed a light shade of pink

"My names Mikayla gorgeous." She said a bit shyly

"Mikayla....." I tested it out loving the way it rolled off my tongue causing her to shiver in pleasure.

My fatigue and loss of blood finally caught up to me and my knees buckled under me Mikayla was yelling at me to stay awake but I couldn't so I just let the darkness consume me.


I woke up in a room with four walls the color of the ocean I reached up to touch my face and felt wrapping around my right eye I looked down at myself and saw I was wrapped all over covering my wounds and scars I looked around the room taking in my surroundings I stood up and saw that I was wearing basketball shorts and a black v-neck shirt, I looked up to see the door being opened by my mate she saw me awake and ran to me I caught her easily she crashed her lips against mine eagerly I answered back just as hungrily I didn't even notice the male enter the room till he coughed awkwardly we pulled away from each other Mikayla blushed light pink.

When the male took a step towards me I tensed and my wings ripped out the back of my shirt I released a low warning growl my eyes flashed a bright purple he froze and stepped back I pulled Mikayla to me and wrapped my wings around us in a protective manner she nuzzled my neck calming me down I pulled my wings back,

"I apologize I have some trust issues that I must work on." I said sheepishly with a small smile

"It is quite alright, but we would like to ask if you would like to join out pack?" He asked hesitantly

"Of course, I would be honored." I said confidently.

I smiled down at my mate who was currently still nuzzling my neck making me release a deep throaty purr I nuzzled her back earning a purr in return I watched the male exit the room with a small smile I looked at Mikayla with the one eye that wasn't covered she looked back at me and seemed to remember I was injured

"Sit please so I can remove the bandages." She said worry in her eyes she first removed the one over my eye her frown deepened when she realized that it was going to be a scar "Babe there all going to be scars don't frown over them." I said sincerely smoothing out the crease between her eyebrows she gave me a small smile then removed my shirt to remove the bandage over my chest and arm her eyes watered when she saw the "X" shaped scar on my chest.

I pulled her to me and whispered soothing words we both then realized I had no shirt or bra on she looked down at my C-cup breasts and her breath hitched she looked back up at me with lust in her eyes causing me to release a seductive growl she kissed me passionately with her arms around my neck mine went around her waist and I squeezed her ass she moaned against me and tugged at my hair lightly causing me to release a moan of my own she growled approvingly things were starting to heat up quickly I trailed kisses down her jawline to her neck between her shoulder I licked one spot and she released a loud moan I growled huskily I pulled back breathing hard Mikayla looked at me panting heavily "Why did you stop?" She breathed out and I whispered huskily in her ear "My wolf is begging me to mark and mate you." she shivered with desire as my breathe hit her skin heatedly "Then mark me as yours." she said seductively in my ear while moving her neck to the side so I can get better access my teeth graze her neck she moans lightly, but before I have the chance to mark her there's a knock at the door.





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