Chapter Eleven

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It was odd, not having Oakbriar next to her in the warriors den now that she had moved into the nursery. Shimmerkit, who was almost ready to be an apprentice was constantly checking up on how Oakbriar was doing as a new queen. It was adorable and Silvershine was always apologizing to Oakbriar, though she didn't mind.

Stormfall had his nest next to Shadeflower now, to keep her company. She had originally thought that her telling him that she wasn't ready to be mates yet would have pushed them apart, but actually they had only grown closer.

"You miss her, don't you?" he asked her. It was night, and Shadeflower was having a hard time falling asleep.

"Yeah." She sighed, curling her tail around her, covering her nose. He licked her ears.

"She will be back sooner than you think." He said comfortingly. She smiled a small smile in response. He nuzzled her.

"Thank you." Shadeflower whispered, he didn't hear her, but that didn't matter. She had a close friend to keep her company, and she knew in her heart that he truly loved her. Her eyes drifted shut, and she was lulled to sleep by the sound of his purring.


"Shimmerpaw! Shimmerpaw!" Shadeflower cheered with the rest of the clan for the new medicine cat apprentice. Silvershine was next to Shadeflower and Shimmerpaw ran over to her mother.

"I'm so glad I get to be a medicine cat! Now I can help save other kits just like Sunkit and Mistkit!" Shimmerpaw told her mother. Sunkit and Mistkit hadn't survived their first two moons. Silvershine smiled.

"I'm sure you'll make an amazing medicine cat." Silvershine purred and Shadeflower's heart ached for the queen and her only surviving daughter of this litter.

"You will." Shadeflower  meowed, with a purr. "And you have an amazing mentor to teach you. Shimmerpaw's eyes shone with happiness. Her mother had the same look. Shimmerpaw then nodded and bounded over to Aspenberry's den.

"Oh no, Oakbriar will be alone in the nursery!" Shadeflowers  eyes widened. She couldn't let her sister be alone. She ran over to the nursery where Oakbriar was sleeping. She couldn't let her be alone. She breathed heavily. Her sister was laying on her side, her back leg twitching a little. She was dreaming. Shadeflower smiled at how peaceful her sister looked. Her belly was swollen with kits. She laid down next to Oakbriar.

"Hey, Shadeflower ." Stormheart meowed. She looked up and smiled.

"There's no one to keep her company in the nursery. I think I'm gonna move my nest in here so she won't be alone." Shadeflower meowed. Stormheart smiled and laughed a little.

"You're a really sweet cat. I'll stay with her. " he meowed. "I'll keep her company. I'm sure there's another cat who would miss you." Shadeflower looked at her sister longingly but she knew she'd be happy with Stormheart with her.

"Thank you, Stormheart. I'm glad she has you." Shadeflower rose to her paws, and she padded out of the nursery. Fernpaw was chatting with Brownpaw over by the apprentices den. She smiled to herself. Life was good. She had those who loved her all around her. It doesn't matter that Flowrdapple didn't love me. My father, my sister, Aspenberry, and Stormfall love me. And that's what matters now. I am loved.


"Did I get the move right?" Fernpaw asked. They were battle training, and Fernpaw, Crowpaw, and Brownpaw were training together with shadeflower , Mistyflame and Ravenfeather. Crowpaw scrambled to his paws.

"Yeah, you did." Crowpaw meowed. "I didn't stand a chance, oh powerful Fernpaw." Crowpaw was joking with his brother. Mistyflame chuckled. Shadeflower shook her head.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now