Chapter 1

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Ella's pov:.

It was raining heavily when I arrived at Seoul after a 12 hour flight from London. I lived in Austria before but my family moved to London a few months ago because of my dad's work. I auditioned for Sm Entertainment and to my surprise they choose me to join the new Sub-unit of NCT. I always loved to dance and rap but I never though I'd be good enough to become a kpop Idol. I mean I'm not asian either and I'm just 15 so I was really surprised when they took me in.

I got off the plane and went to pick up my luggage. At the departure area I looked around,searching for the guy to pick me up and drive me to Sm. Unfortunately he wasn't there. I decided to wait but after half an hour I took my phone and called the company. "Annyeonghaseyo, you are calling Sm. How can I help you?" (italics mean they are talking in korean) "Hello? Do you speak english?" I asked nervously. "Of course. How can I help you?" The lady at the phone asked in english. "I'm the new trainee from London and you told me someone would come and pick me up from the airport but nobody is here so I just wanted to ask what I should do." I probably sounded really scared but I mean I'm in a foreign country , I don't speak korean and I have no idea how to get to the company on my own. "I'm so sorry but we had an emergancy today so there was nobody to pick you up. You have to get to our company by yourself. Don't worry. I'll send you a streetmap of Seoul where the way from the airport to our company is marked."The secretary told me. I was shocked ( Jungshook). I ended the call and sighted. Alright,don't panic. You got this. Ella Fighting.

With the plan the secretary mailed me I found the train station and went to a ticket machine to buy a ticket. However this was more difficult than I thought because I couldn't read korean. I asked a few People if they could help me but nobody spoke english. After 20 minutes I finally found a busy looking guy who spoke english and was nice enough to help me. I bought the ticket and went to the train platform. I looked at the clock and realized I had to wait an hour until the next train arrives. Great....Just great. This day got no jams at all.

After what seemed like an eternity I finally boarded the train. I went into the next compartment ,stored my luggage and sat down next to an old man. He gave me a weird look. I decided to smile at him but he turned away and ignored me. Have I done something wrong? Maybe he had a bad day. I looked out of the window and saw Korea for the first time in my life. I took some pictures and sent them to my family so they knew I landed savely. The man next to me let out a despised sound,said something in korean and looked at me like I was a freak or something like that. "Excuse me sir but is something wrong?" I asked him not knowing if he would understand. "Why are you in Korea?" He asked in very bad english. "I'm here to train at sm entertaiment and become an Idol." I said. "Go back to your own country. We don't need people like you. You just steal our Jobs and stuff like that!" He nearly shouted at me . I understood enough to feel bad. I didn't know some people here thought about foreigners like that. I looked at the floor and decided to say nothing. Don't worry,I told myself, I'm sure not everyone is against foreigners. I mean those people are everywhere even in your own country. Don't think about it.

The train arrived at Seoul and I got off. It was still raining and I didn't bring an umbrella but fortunatelly my jacket was waterproof. Luggage in one hand,phone in the other hand I made my way through the foreign city. The plan the secretary sent me was in English but the street signs weren't so I tried to figure out where to go by following the red line that marked the way on the plan. However that didn't work well and I ended up in a shopping street that wasn't even mentioned on the plan. This is very no fun, I thought to myself and went into the next store to ask for help. The cashier spoke a little bit english and explained where I had to go. I thanked him and followed his advice. It went well for a while but then the battery of my phone died. Alright,don't panic. Just remember what the friendly shop guy told you.

After what felt like hours I finally arrived at Sm. I could have cried because I was so happy that I finally made it here. I went straight to the secretary. "Hello,I'm the new trainee from London who called earlier because nobody fetched me from the airport."I told the lady behind the desk. "Ah,you have to be Ella. The manager should come any minute and introduce you to your team. I'll take your luggage and tell someone to bring it to the dorm for you. Is that ok?"She asked nicely. "Yes,thanks" I smiled at her, relieved that I could put the heavy bag down.

Soon the manager arrived and told me to follow him to the dance studios. "I'm going to introduce you to the group. There are already 2 other girls in the team and I think you will get along with them well. The only thing is I kinda forgot to tell them that you're not asian at all so they're expecting an asian person but don't worry they are very kind so it won't be a problem."He said. We stopped at a door and suddenly I was really nervous and scared.

The Manager gave me a friendly look before he opened the door . Everyone inside went quiet when the Manager started speaking and I just hid behind him which worked because he was taller than me. I didn't understand what he said but he suddenly stepped aside and I looked at 19 People. I just stared at them and they stared at me obviously surprised because they expected an asian person. The Manager gave me a light nudge and I stuttered " Hello, I'm Ella and I'm from Europe."


I'm back with a new ff,hope you like it. I'm trying to continue my other story as well but I'm out of ideas.

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