Falling For Him...

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"Mum please, stay with me... You can't leave me! MUM PLEASE!!" 

I can't believe my mum is dying right in front of me, no, this can't happen. This CAN'T HAPPEN. She's the only one I've got, the only one I have left. 

"BEEEEEEEEEEEEP" Then, she left me. Right in that moment, she has left. She's not here anymore.

I was at home, can't believe this is happening. Where am I supposed to go? Where would I live? 

Just then the door bell rang. Who would come round, at a time like this? I slowly opened the door, hoping it isn't a masked killer. A man in a suit stepped in and smiled, I look at him suspiciously.

"Good evening. Are you Alexandra Nicole?" he asked. "Urm.. yes, I'm Alexandra Nicole, and who are you?" I asked. "I'm Edward, Edward Henrie. I am Selena Nicole's lawyer? I'm here on behalf of her, well since she passed away, Am I correct?" Tears started building up in my eyes. "Yes." I answer. "I'm sorry for your loss, however you are being moved to New York where your Mother's close family friends live, they have agreed on taking care of you" I stared at him, I can't believe it. I'm going to New York, starting a whole different life? This can't be happening, but it's not like I'd miss this place, all the people in my school are sluts and jerks, and I have no one here with me. I'm basically alone.

"Um.. when do I leave?" I qestioned. "In 2 days, I'll see you till then Miss Nicole" He smiled and walked away into the expensive black car. 

I shut the door and scrunched myself into a ball, this can't be happening to me. "God, why me? Why? What have I done wrong? Why can't it be someone else?!" I screamed into my hands, while tears rolled down my face.

Shut up Alex, pull yourself together act strong, why are you braking down now? You have stayed strong for years. Don't brake down. Maybe starting a new life won't be that bad..? 

This afternoon I fly out to New York. I have butterflies in my stomach, what If they don't like me? I'll have to start a new school too, but then again I have started new schools over again and again before, so why should I be worried now?

As I packed my bag, I pick up the locket of my mum. I love her, and she'll always will be in my heart. Tears start flowing down my face. I wipe them away when I hear the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs as fast my legs can go, I opened the door and a man in a suit greeted me with a smile, that same guy that was here 2 days ago. I tried smiling back but failed miserably.

"Are you ready Miss Nicole?" he asked. I sighed and said "Yup, I'm ready" as we were walking down  the road, I looked at the small white house, I took a deep breath and enterd the car. This is going to be a long journey...

This is my first story on wattpad so please bare with me. I promise the chapters will get longer and WILL get better. Thankyou for reading! I love you! ^-^ <--- cute right? :D

-Tammz <3

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