Chapter 8: The Crew

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  SAO Survivor School

"School bell sounds"

You: So, how are you guys doing in the game?

Klein: We're doing good.

Silica: Yup, and the story's getting really interesting as we kept going too.

Lisbeth: That's true. But what catches my attention the most is Kida's father.

Klein: Yeah, even if we're there to help fend off the Heartless, he doesn't trust us at all. Like we're evil or something.

Asuna: I'm sure we'll find out why he's like that.

Klein: Your right. "Stretches a bit and then stands up from his chair" Well, better head back home. I wanna finish the first level right away.

Silica: Me too.

Lisbeth: Me three. "She, Silica, and Klein leave the classroom" See ya later love birds!!

You: "You wave goodbye to them and you then you look to Asuna" Wanna head back home?

Asuna: Sure, let me just get my bag from the gym. "Walks towards the door, stops, and then looks at you" You can wait right?

You: Take all the time you need, I'm in no rush.

Asuna: Okay, I'll be right back. "Heads for the gym"

You: "You sit down and open the files Yui sent you before KHO was released" Now, time to do some reading on what Yui found about the game's previous titles.

Inside Kingdom Hearts Online

"Baracuda Heartless looks at you and charges for you"

You: "You dodge the incoming attack and swing your keyblade right on it's head" Too slow!!

Yulier: "Kicks a Heartless away" These guys just don't know when to quit do they? "Jumps into the air and strikes down the creature hard"

Thinker: "Takes down two Squid Heartless at once and then all of you stop" Well, that was the last of them.

Asuna: "Turns to Kida" Is there anywhere else that needs clearing of Heartless Kida?

Kida: "Shooks her head" No, this was the last one. You all did a great job, I'm impressed that all of you can deal with so many monsters in one day.

You: It's kinda what we do. "You put away your keyblades"

"Stomach growling occurs and catches your attention"

Thinker: What was that?

Yulier: Is it another Heartless?

You: Nah. "Kida, Thinker, and Yulier look at you" It's just Asuna's stomach.

Kida: Are you sure?

Asuna: "Her stomach growls again" Pretty much. All that fighting has really made me hungry.

Kida: If that's the case, why don't we go and have lunch?

You: Sounds good to me. Lead the way princess.

Kida: Great, I know just the place.

With this said and done, you all followed Kida so you can eat after clearing the city's outer areas from Heartless.
A few minutes later.....

As you continued walking, you soon find yourself and the others in the streets of the ancient city. Everywhere you look, you can see the empire's culture and the sight of it is like nothing you've ever seen before. Soon, you all arrived to your destination and something unexpected was waiting for you there.....

"You, Kida, Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker enter the hut and see more people there"

Milo: "Sees Kida" Hey Kida!! Where've you been?

Kida: Just taking a few new friends sightseeing.

Milo: "Sees you and your friends" So these are the people you've told me about. "Walks up to you and extends his hand to you" Name's Milo Thatch.

You: "You shake hands with him" Nice to meet you Milo, I'm (First Name) (Last Name). "You turn to Asuna" This is my girlfriend Asuna.

Asuna: "Shakes hands with him" Hello.

You: "You look to Yulier and Thinker" And those two are Yulier and Thinker, our friends.

Yulier and Thinker: "They wave to him"

Kida: So. "Gets you and Milo's attention" Now that you know each other, why don't we all sit down and enjoy a good meal.

You: Sure thing.

"You and the others find a place to sit and you all immediately sit down"

Milo: So guys, where are you all from?

You: We're from Japan. You?

Milo: Washington DC, I used to work at a museum there as a linguist.

Thinker: What's a linguist?

Yulier: A linguist is someone who studies various kinds of languages. "Looks to Milo" Right?

Milo: Your correct.

Asuna: "Feels someone sniffing her and then finds Mole to her right" WAH!! What the!?

Mole: Bonjour Mademoiselle. "Winks at her"

You: Oi!! "You summon your keyblade and point it right at Mole's face" Stick your nose somewhere else weirdo.

Mole: "Gulps at the sight of your weapon" O-Okay, okay.

Sweet: Sorry about my friend there, he likes sniffing things that smell good.

Asuna: So it would seem.

Sweet: Name's Sweet, Joshua Sweet. "You shake hands with him"

You: Nice to meet you Sweet, I'm (First Name) (Last Name).

Milo: Sweet here is our doctor and is by far one of the best in the field.

Asuna: Really? Wow.

A few seconds later, some women finally came with the food and placed them in front of each and every one of you all. Once they were there, you all began to dig in. To be honest, you expected something you'd usually have in real life. But in Atlantis, they got some weird animals which also means weird dishes.

Thinker: "Takes out a strange shrimp-like creature from his bowl" Umm, this thing is still alive.

Kida: It's okay. Just take out it's head and eat what's there. "Takes a bit of her food"

Thinker: Umm, okay. "Takes out the creature's head and takes a bite of it's meat" Woah!! That's good!!

You: "You, Asuna, and Yulier begin eating as well" Man, this must be the tastiest food I've ever had!!

Yulier: You said it.
Later that night.....(In game)

After having a good hearty lunch, you and your friends followed Kida and Milo to a little lake not too far from where you left off. You weren't sure why you were there, but you'll soon find out.

"Some fireflies fly over your head"

You: I've never seen this many fireflies in one place before.

Thinker: You and my both brother.

Asuna: You know, for a lost city, it looks like it's thriving.

Kida: We're not thriving. "She catches your attention" True our people live, but our culture is dying. We're like a stone the ocean beats against. With each passing year, a little more of us is worn away.

Yulier: So even if their still alive down here....

You: Their future is still at risk.

Milo: Wish there was something we could do.

Kida: And that is why I've asked for your help. There's writings here, all around us. And I was hoping if you can decipher them for me.

Milo: Okay, you've come to the right guy. "Looks at some writing on a old pillar"

You: "You turn to Kida and what she's doing caught your attention" Ummm.

Milo: "Looks to where she is" Uh, Kida. What are you doing?

Kida: You do swim, do you not? "Takes off her skirt to get into her swim wear"

Milo: I-I swim pretty girl...Pretty good, pretty good, I swim pretty good.

Kida: "Milo takes off his clothes" Good, it is a fair distance to where we are going.

Milo: Your talking to the belly flop champ of Camp Bramhorn. "Goes into the water and his undies inflate"

"You, Kida, Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker try to keep in your laughter"

Milo: "Presses on his undies to take out the air inside them" Come on, we're wasting time. "Goes underwater while Kida stayed where she was"

Yulier: "Sweatdrops" He just went underwater without knowing where to go huh?

Thinker: Yup, sure looks like it.

Milo: "Comes to the surface and looks at Kida" Why don't you lead the way cause, I have no idea where we're going.

Kida: "Looks at you" Can all of you guard the area while I and Milo are gone?

You: Sure thing Kida.

Asuna: And if we encounter any Heartless. "Summons her keyblade" We'll be ready for them.

Kida: Good, we'll be back soon.

After saying this, the princess and Milo dove into the water and went deeper to find out Atlantis' history. Then, when you looked to your right, you saw a Heartless pass by you guys, so you went after it to investigate.

Asuna: "Sees you running off" Where are you going (M/n)!?

You: Just stay behind and guard the area!! Don't worry, I'll be back.

Asuna: "Sweatdrops and sighs in disappointment" This is deja vu all over again.

"You come out of the bushes and look around to find the Heartless"

You: Darn!! Looks like I lost the little snitch. "You shrug" Oh well, guess I should head back the-

"You bump into something invisible"

You: Huh? "You bang on the invisible object" What's this doing here? These kind of fields shouldn't be here unless.....

"Loud growl occurs"

When you turned around to see what made the growl, right there stood a gigantic monster with glowing yellow eyes and had the look of a lobster.

You: Yui, what exactly am I looking at?

Yui: "Comes out of you pocket and sits on your shoulder" It's the Leviathan, the Guardian of Atlantis!! And it looks like the Heartless have taken control over it too!!

You(In head): "You summon your keyblade" I can't fight this thing without the others, but it looks like I have no other choice. I'll have to deal with the boss alone.



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