
801 56 18

Written on 23 October 2016

Tomorrow is the big day: my math test. I grab my books, lock my door and sit down. "Okay Jennifer, you need to get a good grade on this damn test," I say to myself. "Concentrate."
"Jennyyy come play with me!" My little sister yells from behind the door.
"Not now Jane, I need to study." I sigh in annoyance.
"Jenny, please!" She says more frantically while trying to open the door. "Let me in Jenny!"
"STOP FUCKING NAGGING ME JANE, I HAVE WORK TO DO!" I scream in frustration. She starts crying. I walk to the door, realizing I've been to hard on her, and just when I reach out to the door handle, I realize the crying isn't coming from outside my door but from under my bed. I look under my bed and see Jane. Tears are rolling down her face. "Don't go there Jennifer," Jane cries.
"What the hell is that thing behind the door?" I whisper. She opens her mouth to answer but then slowly points to the door, paralyzed with terror. I turn my head to see the door opened.
"I told you to open the door, Jenny..." I hear from behind me.
The sound of footsteps come closer and closer.

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