Can i trust him ?

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*Kristoff pov*
I used my brothers phone and texted Andy. Oh jeez axle why did u fall for the heart breaker. I call Andy. "Hello?" You supicious asshole why would you do that to axle?! He stays silent " because I got what I wanted..." I boil in heat from anger. You little shit!! I hang up and head to axles house . *Knock*knock* axle rushes down the stairs as I hear a scream. Then he opens the door and holds his risk. Axle come on let's go to your room we need to talk. "But" I drag him to his room. Ok I'm kristoff I'm a shy and quiet one in school and I herd about what happened... He looks at how and hugs me crying as blood drips from his risk. Axle?! I grab his risk. What's this? Axle hides it. "Nothing ." I sigh .. It's gonna be a long day

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