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He had Finally done it. He got the valve,  turned off that freezing water and was now placing the candle on the cake. Seeing as everything Lucas made blew up, He was smart and took a few steps back. And of course it blew up.  Why wouldn't it?
Lucas' voice bellowed out from the speaker at him. "you were supposed to die!!" Ethan rolled his eyes. And then promptly widened them when a time bomb was dropped by him. He spotted a loose board on the wall. He picked it up and tore the board off the wall,  dropping the bomb inside the hole. "no thanks.  It's not my birthday. You can have this back."
Lucas gives a shout before the wall is blown open. Ethan steps in and kicks the man,  who is currently on the floor, scrambling to get to his feet. He is quick to get down on him,  holding him down by the throat. "alright, glad we got that out of the way.  Now where's Mia?"
But apparently Lucas isn't in the mood for this shit because the next thing he knows,  he's the one under Lucas after a swift punch to the nose. Now with a bloody nose,  Ethan growls. Lucas just laughs, that disgusting laugh and punches him again. "now is that any way to treat your party host Ethan? I worked hard on This room and this is the thanks I get?"
"screw you"

Ah yes,  another chapter.  Hopefully you all enjoy this one. The smut with be in the next chapter,  I assure you.

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