The story of the golden sword

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Harry was rushed to the hospital wing to get help. No one knew what to do; Rowan was crying, Chloe and Katra were hugging each other whilst Ron stood and pondered. Hermione paced up and down muttering to herself...apart from her mumblings everything was silent.

Suddenly, Harry started to stir from his slumber, but when he awoke wasn't calm. He shot upwards with an ear piercing scream! Madam Poppy Pomfrey rushed in to calm Harry. She said, "I've given him a mild sedative to calm him for the momet".

"Alright!" Yelled Ron. Someone tell me what the hell this is all about. I think I can enlighten you Hermione spoke up,"so this sword has obviously appeared before and the same whispering voice comes with it....whoever this is seems to be trying to attack Harry. I have heard of a new evil force in the wizarding world...they call her Dark Darnia. She seems to be an allie with Voldemort; the magic used in the sword is swani poison meant to kill anyone it touches instantly but can be used as a tool to invade a persons brain and command them to do things."

"Wow, okay, that's a lot to take in Ron," Chloe said. At this point everyone had calmed down a bit as the continued to wonder how they would stop the attacks on Harry.

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry that I have been completely inactive...I've just been really busy. I hope you enjoy this chapter and keep reading and voting. I promise with all my heart that I will be updating more regularly x

Harry Potter and the strike of the golden swordWhere stories live. Discover now