Today's The Day (Laurmani)

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Prompt: ...You have two friends. One had a crush on their friend, and the other is completely oblivious to the this. The friend that has a crush tells their friend (that they like) that they have a blind date, and that they need help setting it up. The friend helps the friend w/ the crush plan the date, but come to find out the date is really for the friend they have a crush on. After the friend helps them plan the date, they drop them off at the location of the date. However, before the oblivious friend leaves the friend who has the crush confesses. The say how the date was actually for them, and how they have had feelings for them. At this point the oblvious friend either agrees to go on the date or they refuse to. I would you to write a one shot based on this, and have it be a laurmani one. I would like Lauren to have the crush on Normani. As Normani is helping Lauren plan this it would be cool if we could see into lauren's brain. Like she is thinking out loud, and we all know who the date is actually for. Then at the end I would love for Normani to agree to the date, and yeah.

Lauren's standing in front of the school building, staring at the front doors as a crowd of students rush by her, with exactly one goal in mind. 

She''s been putting this off for weeks. She hates herself for it, honestly - she really wishes she could just have the courage to actually tell Normani just how she felt. It was eating her up, a confession that she desperately needed to make. And today she was going to come clean. It would feel so good to just tell her, to just let it all out. She was going to march up those stairs and tell Normani exactly how she felt - 

"Hey, Lo!"

Or, not. 

 "Uh," Lauren says awkwardly, "Hi, Mani."

Normani comes up to Lauren and slings her arm lazily around Lauren's shoulders. Lauren can't stay silent any longer. The words are building up in her throat and she's prepared to say them. She is, honestly. She's just not sure how Normani will react. "How are you?" Normani asks her and Lauren knows that's a perfect oppurtunity to tell her. 

But Lauren's not that smooth. "Uh, I'm good. I'm good. How are you."

Normani stops them in front of their lockers and turns towards Lauren, a serious look in her eyes. "Are you okay?" she asks. Lauren's caught in Normani's eyes for a second. They're beautiful, really, and they shine even when Normani's sad, always showing Lauren a whole new world that she never knew existed. Then she realizes Normani's just asked her a question and normal people actually reply. 

"Yeah," Lauren says, nodding vigorously. "I - I just, I have to tell you-"

The bell rings and Normani gives a couple curses. "I'm sorry, I've got to run, I have a huge test, I can't miss it," Normani apologizes her, and a part of Lauren is relieved, because it was going worse than Lauren imagined. "We can talk at lunch?"

"Okay," Lauren agrees, nodding, and then Normani's gone with a quick smile and a wave. Lauren opens her locker with a long sigh and refrains for hitting her head against the door. 

She heard once that if you have a crush on someone for more than four months, it's love. Lauren's been crushing on Normani for as long as she remembers. She can't picture having it any other way. 

What Normani tells her at lunch will decide her future, it really will. Lauren's just not sure if she can handle that. 


Turns out, Lauren's not. As soon as Normani sits them both down at lunch Lauren's brain turns into incoherent thoughts. She can't possibly work out how to tell Normani. But she has to tell her something, because Normani's concerned already. "So, tell me what's up," Normani says. 

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