Chapter 1 - The Incident in the Woods

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Tick. Tick. Tick.

I sat slouched in my wooden desk, staring at the red hand on the clock as if I could make it go faster.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

As my teacher is muttering something about a Geometry all I can think about is how fun tonight is going to be. My best friend Will is throwing a party at his huge house, everyone will be there.


I immediately get out of my seat, grab my things and walk out of the door. Kids flooded into the white walled hallways filled with blue lockers and assorted bulletin boards.

"Hey! Look who it is!" I hear a familiar voice yell from down the hallway, it's Will.

"Wassup dude," I say as we do our handshake. "So what's the deal on tonight? Is the party gonna be wack?"

"When have you ever known me to throw a wack party man? Alright I gotta go start getting ready, see you there bro," he says running off with some girl out of the main entrance of the school.

I walk past locker number 343 to see my girlfriend, and then I remember Janae wasn't hear today. Hopefully she shows up to the party because I miss her. I continue down the hallway to my own locker, grab my stuff and head out of the doors. I see everyone else driving away in cars but I live pretty close so I just walk home.

Today had been normal, until I saw the guy staring at me as I walked. He wore a dark black coat with black glasses. I tried my hardest not to make eye contact and to keep walking. It seemed as if the farther I walked the more hooded figures began to look at me, then I hear something behind me.

The footsteps begin to pick up and I begin to jog. I feel the neighborhood beginning to close in on me, I feel a surge of energy i've never felt before beginning to build up in my chest as I ran. The more it built, the narrower the neighborhood got.

Right as the energy felt as if it was about to release I felt someone jump on my back and wrap their arms around my neck. Then I felt a kiss on my cheek.

"Janae you scared the shit out of me!" I yelled, my vision still re adjusting back to normal.

"Sorry babe," she says giggling, "Thought I would surprise you."

She get off of my back as we arrive at my house and then I unlock the door and grab the doorknob, and the energy suddenly comes back. When I go to twist the doorknob the energy shoots into my arm and the doorknob is squished into the size of the keyhole.

"W-what the..." I say as the door opens slowly.

"What's wrong Kolt?" Janae asks. I just shake my head and let her in the door, hiding the doorknob. We walk upstairs to my room and I begin putting on my clothes for the party that's later today.

"You know, for the four years we've been going out I don't thin I've ever spoken more than a sentence to your mom," says Janae. She does have a point, my mom doesn't talk much. Her mouth is way too focused on the bottle in her hand to have any kind of social interactions.

I look in the mirror at me and Janae's outfits for the party. My brown hair slicked back and my green eyes bright compared to my fair skin. I have on a white jordan shirt with black joggers and red and black Jordan retro 12's for shoes.

Janae's brown hair and eyes matched her caramel skin tone perfectly. Her black croptop said "love" on it above her black leggings. She always looked amazing.

"Alright babe I'm gonna go get some water," she said as headed downstairs to the kitchen. I went into my bathroom and when I went to flip on the light switch I felt a shock. I quickly pulled my fingers away in pain and then went to turn it on again. The same thing kept happening repeatedly until I gave up and used it with the lights off.

What is happening to me? The question stayed at the back of my head for now, but little did I know that...

"Alright so you want to start heading out?" asked Janae, "I mean he does live pretty far away."

"Yeah your right let's go." I said grabbing my keys wallet and other things I needed. We headed out of the door and unlocked my car. We got in and began the drive there. After about forty five minutes, we arrived at Will's house and could already hear music blasting from outside. We walk up and knock on the door to see a happy and tipsy Will greet us. He let's us in and it's already packed with people.

The party was great. Great music, great dancing with Janae, and now we were playing truth or dare. When it was Will's turn he dared me for $10 to go into the woods behind his house and stay there for 30 minutes, and with the alcohol in my system i couldn't say no.

I walked into his backyard and faced the woods. Everyone was chanting Kolt in excitement ready to see me do it. These woods are said to be haunted by evil spirits or something, but I wasn't gonna pass on $10. After a while of waiting, I just run into the woods as I hear everyone cheering.

When I got into the woods it was cool at first, the leaves, trees, nature. Then I heard someone scream. Without my brain telling them to, my legs instantly ran towards the noise. It came from somewhere deep within the forest and I had to get there, I could feel the urgency in the air. The closer I got the more I could hear the breathing and what sounded like two people fighting the air got tighter and once again my vision began to get narrow. I came to a spot with less trees in the woods and saw the thing that would change my life forever.

A girl was being pinned onto a tree by some man. Again, my body acted by itself as I ran and tackled the man holding her up. The man landed on a very large stick that slashed and punctured his neck. I get off of him and before having a chance to think I saw his hands change. They grew fur and long claws, almost as if I was looking at a wolf paw. Then I felt them slash my stomach. I fell to the ground in agonizing pain as he stood up over me, the branch still in his neck. His glare was something demonic, and sent shivers through my spine. I tried to crawl away but I was to slow. The last thing I felt was him pick me off the ground and throw me, then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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