Fall into some velvet morning

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Louis shrieks loudly as his body collides with the other boy's, face smashing into said boy's back which, of course, made him topple from his weird yoga pose. They lay sprawled on the ground, Louis on top of the weird kid who does fucking yoga in a park. Yoga Boy lifts his head out of the grass and mumbles in a gravely voice, "You ruined my vibes there, mate."

Louis groans as he sits up and rolls off of Yoga Boy's back. "Yea, well, you ruined my skateboard, mate. Think we're quite even."

or au where harry does yoga in parks and louis may or may not want to get into his yoga pants.

Work Text:

Louis is snuggled up under his warm blankets, dreaming about skateboarding in a field full of spag bol, which should sound extremely messy and slightly disgusting to others, but in his mind it is the most beautiful thing his subconscious could ever develop. Dream Louis startles to a stop when he hears a loud noise burst through the bright blue sky, looking every which way to find the source of the disturbance. The sky was turning dark, the noise becoming louder and louder as Dream Louis skateboards the fuck away. Real Louis is then ripped from his glorious dream, eyes refusing to open while his stupid phone is buzzing loudly under his pillow. He rips it out, opening the text that is from "Gigantic Prick" (who is actually one Zayn Malik) and reads the worst text that he has ever received in his entire 21 years of existence.

"hey lou had to leave for an exam also no groceries in fridge go pick some up. x"

Louis throws his iPhone to the ground, not giving two fucks if he breaks it or not. All he cares about is the lacking of food in this flat. His stomach decides to growl extremely loud at that moment.

"Motherfucking shit fuck cunt. I am going to murder you, Malik. Throw you out the window when you're passed out on the couch," Louis grumbles to himself as he drags his sleep heavy body from under the blankets. He walks across the room to throw a plain white t-shirt over his torso, walking over to his dresser to slip on a pair of black skinny jeans. He tousles his hair haphazardly, not really caring what he looks like as he grabs some money from Zayn's wallet (that'll show the prick) and goes over to the living room to slip on his vans. His skateboard is waiting patiently by the front door while he goes to examine the fridge for the exact contents that he needs to buy.

He finds that Zayn wasn't lying at all when he said they were out of food, the fridge depressingly bare besides a box of take away from he thinks a few days ago and a rogue bottle of periperi sauce from Nandos. He remembers vaguely that it might be Niall's. He should probably return that to him before he starts to have separation anxiety.

Louis sighs heavily as he shuts the fridge door, walking over to collect his keys and his skateboard. He locks up his and Zayn's flat, walking down the stairs and heading on his way to the nearest Tesco Express. He decides to take the scenic route so he can have double the time to think of the many creative ways he can castrate Zayn for forgetting their groceries. His phone buzzes with a text and he looks down to open it. He glides along the sidewalk, not paying attention as he steers himself forward. What he didn't plan was the large crack in the sidewalk that his wheel got caught in. And he definitely didn't plan for his body to go flying in the general direction of a boy who was balancing himself on a yoga mat.

Louis shrieks loudly as his body collides with the other boy's, face smashing into said boy's back which, of course, made him topple from his weird yoga pose. They lay sprawled on the ground, Louis on top of the weird kid who does fucking yoga in a park. Yoga Boy lifts his head out of the grass and mumbles in a gravely voice, "You ruined my vibes there, mate."

Louis groans as he sits up and rolls off of Yoga Boy's back. "Yea, well, you ruined my skateboard, mate. Think we're quite even."

Yoga Boy chuckles and sits up, shaking his hair in a ridiculous manner and turning around to face Louis. And jesus fucking christ on a stick, Louis did not expect Yoga Boy to be so, well, fit. Even though he was wearing what Louis thinks is yoga pants. Actual form fitting yoga pants.

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