4 - Crash?

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Collins POV

I hear Veronica pull up in the drive way, so I open the door to greet her. I give her a big bear hug, and walk into the lounge. Devan is sitting on the phone, still talking to Vanessa. I snap at him to exit. He kisses his hand and winks. I roll my eyes at him and laugh. "Can I go Pop the popcorn?" Roni asks, smiling at me. "No, I'll do it, you go jump on the couch." Just as I finish my sentence, she throws the popcorn at me and lunges onto the couch. I laugh and head into the kitchen.

Once the popcorn popped, I poured it into a bowl and walked out to find Roni looking so cute covered in blankets. She pats the couch and I sit down. She moves closer to me and pulls a blanket over me. I turn on the movie and she snuggles into my chest. My free arm wraps around her shoulders, and the movie begins.


After about 20 minutes, Veronica falls asleep. I put a pillow on my lap and move her head so she is laying down. I quiet the movie and stare at her for a moment. When I look up the millennium falcon is flying! I pay more attention on the movie, continually keeping my hand on Veronica's shoulder.

Veronica wriggles from under my arm as the credits rolled. "You up now babe?" I question, smiling down at her. "I like when you call me that Collins." Veronica smiles, her eyes still closed. She slowly opens her beautiful eyes and moves into a sitting position. "What's the time?" She says, looking around for a clock. "3:30" I say, checking my phone. "I've gotta be home by 4." She yawns, snuggling into my chest. "You've got 20 minutes then." I smile gently at her, and start twisting her hair in my fingers.

'Pitted patter!' The rain slowly falls on the windows. Veronica and I have been talking for 10 minutes, and the rain slowly gets heavier. "Are you sure you don't want me to drop you home?" I say worried, I don't want her getting hurt. "I'll be fine Collins." She smiles, kissing my cheek. Her lips are so soft and smooth, my cheek tingles at the touch. "Okay babe." I smile, giving her a side hug. She goes to stand up, when thunder strikes, shaking the sky with a loud "boom!" Veronica instantly sits back down and snuggles into my chest.

"I gotta go!" Veronica pouts. "I don't want to, but I told Nessa I'd be home by 4." I kiss her cheek and stand up to walk her to the door. "You can always come around again." I smile, helping her with her shoes. I watch her as she's runs to the car, trying to avoid the cold rain, and splitting thunder. I wave as she pulls out of the driveway, and I close the door into my warm house.

Veronica's POV

I back out off Collins driveway, careful not to run over a cat. As j start the trip home, I think about Collins. He's so sweet. As I pull into the freeway, the rain gets heavier, and low cloud falls. I can't see anything! I turn my lights up, and see a bit of the road ahead of me. Luckily I've drive this way a lot, so I know my way pretty well. I cannot see the intersection, so I carry on driving. "That's weird." I say to myself. "I thought there was a roundabout.....AHHHHH!"

I scream. The roundabout appeared, and I was driving straight for it. I turn right, forgetting I cannot turn right, and see a sign post I'm heading for. I quickly swerve to avoid it, and end up on the wrong side of the road. As I turn to get in the right side, I see a truck next to me, so I cannot turn, and a truck heading straight for me, it's bright lights blinding me. I quickly think of what to do, so I swerve into the grass and bushes in the middle of the roundabout, just as the truck honked and drove past. I sit there in silence, listening to the bustling traffic. I sigh, then gasp, realising the car was moving forwards. I turn back onto the freeway, just to see a lot of lights coming my way, I swerve, to hit a dark green car, and everything goes black.

I open my eyes, (realising I closed them, that's why it went black) to find I am rolling down a small slope, and 'BANG! SPLASH! I hit a tree headfirst, then came tumbling into a river, where I stopped. The airbags had deployed, and my body was shaking and throbbing immensely. I try to undo my seatbelt, but it's jammed. I cry for help. I cry for my sister. I cry for Collins. 

"Hello?" A voice cries from a little far off. "Are you okay!" An old man, lightly sprinkled with grey hair, hobbled over to the car. He poked his head through the broken passenger window to speak to me. "Hello." He said gently. "I'm Fred Dawn."  Fred smiled. "I've called the ambulance, they are on their way." My pain is getting much worse now. I groan. "Call.... My... Sister.... Nessa.. Tell her.... To...tell..... My....parents.....and....Collins!" I stutter, struggling for breath. I pull out my phone from my pocket, whining from the pain, and unlock it. I throw it at Fred and moan. "Yes. Alright of course." Fred taps a few buttons and hold the phone up to his ear. "Speaker!" I mumble, wanting to hear the conversation.

"Hey! Roni!" Nessa laughs brightly. "I was just wondering where you were!" Nessa said. "Hi!" Fred talked into the phone. "I am Fred Dawn. I have your sisters phone, and she told me to ring you, your on speaker, by the way." Fred smiles. "What! Who are you! Where's my sister! RONI!" She yells, clearly panicking. "Ok... Car crash.... Fred.... Ambulance..... Collins.....daddy." Was all I could manage. "Roni! Fred! Tell me what happened. Now." Her voice is stern.

"Well, Nessa. You sister got in a car crash. It was raining, and it still is, and she hit a car, rolled down a hill and ended up in the river. I've called an ambulance. We are in the side of the freeway. She asked me to call you, tell you what happened, and for you to call your parents and, Collins?" Fred questioned. "WHAT!" Nessa screamed into the phone. I heard tiger bark."okay Roni. Hold on. I'll tell our parents and call Collins into the car okay!  Stay strong Roni. I love you." And she hung up.


After about 5 minutes of pain and Frd telling me to stay calm, I heard sirens. 4 people ran over to me. 2 to check in the car, and 2 to help me out. They brought a stretcher and lifted me up. I yelled from pain, then I heard familiar voices. "RONI!" Nessa screamed. "Please stand back, you will see her in a second!" A police officer reassured her. "NO! I AM HER SISTER I MUST SEE HER NOW YOU EGG!"Nessa screamed. "Okay then." The police officer seemed  frightened. Nessa bounded down the hill towards me. The paramedics told her not to hurt me. "Oh Roni!" She sobbed, grabbing my hand. I felt blood trickle down my face as I looked at her. I tried to give her a hug, but the mixture between immense pain and yelling paramedics didn't let me.

Vanessa's POV

After calling Collins like Roni instructed, I raced down the hill to find her lying on a stretcher. I sobbed and sobbed. She had a major cut in her forehead, her left hand was busted, her knee seemed dislocated, her foot had huge amounts of blood oozing from it, and her hair was tangled in sweat, blood and water. She was soaked from head to foot. I helped the Paramedics push her into the ambulance, just as Collins drove up. My parents got in with Roni whilst I went to talk to Collins.

"What happened to Veronica? Is she okay!" Collins panicked. "She'll be fine... I hope." I cry a little, and hug Collins. I then Race into the ambulance, followed by Collins. "No more than three please."the paramedics said. "But she's my girlfriend!" I saw Roni smile a little at this word. "Just drive behind us Collins." I smile gently. Collins calms down and sits in his car. The doors close, and we head to the hospital.

A/N sorry about the long dramatic chapter haha. I hope your enjoying it so far! Please vote and comment because it means the world to me! Thanks!

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