A Heartbreaking Event

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(3 Months Later)

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains. Flame Princess was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for us. Bacon, egg, and cheese omelets. My baby knows me so well. She's just so amazing. I rolled over to look down at the kitchen. Her flaming hair dancing around her head so elegantly as she swayed her head back and forth while humming to herself. Her voice was so beautiful and soft that it was sending chills down my spine. It was electric, but felt so intoxicating. I finally left the bed and put my robes on. As I descended the stairs, my new fianceé met me at the bottom of the stairs with a warm kiss.

"Good morning handsome." she said

She had the most beautiful smile in my eyes. We sat down at the table and ate breakfast. We kissed goodbye for the day, and I went out to find Finn and Jake. We were supposed to go adventuring today. I finally found them under a shady oak tree.

"So, what's the adventure today boys?" I asked

"We're going to beat up Ice King." Finn said

When we reached the Ice Kingdom, it looked completely deserted. When we entered, something didn't feel right. I sensed someone behind me. When I turned around I was knocked unconscious. I started to awaken. I was tied upside down, and I noticed that Ice King was torturing Finn with an enchanted ice dagger. I saw my pistol covered in ice. I started to swing myself back and forth. Ice King turned toward me. He looked fairly agitated. There was a sharp pain in my leg. He broke a piece of his dagger off in my right leg. I finally grasped my pistol and removed it from the ice. I pointed my pistol at the Ice King.

"Smile you son of a bitch!" I said

I shot the Ice King. His dagger fell into his fan fiction on the floor. There was a blinding light, and I felt myself losing consciousness, then I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in a field next to Finn and Jake's tree house.

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