Ready to rehearse

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I arrived home that day from school and took my bag to my room. I changed into some black sport leggings and a black sports bra,slipping on a blue loose top to go over the top. I grabbed some ankle socks and a thin jacket from the draw before quickly brushing my longish brown hair. I shoved it up into a ponytail before heading downstairs with my dance bag. I grabbed my chilled water from the fridge, aswell as some fruit. I popped them into my bag also as i checked i had everything else i needed.

I slipped on my nike trainers over my socks and headed out the door. I made my way to the studio, which was only about a 20 minuit walk. The sky was grey and dull but luckily there was no rain.

I finally made my way through the hallways of the dance school exitedly. I had wanted to join a studio for a few years now,and finally it was my time. I was kinda shy and bervouse still- Emily usually was with me as we were so close. But now it was just me.

I pulled open the door and walked into the studio. I lay my bag on a bench just opposite the cubbies and slipped my jacket and socks off,placing them ontop. I shoved the bag into a free cubby hole and added my shoes in also.

I hadnt noticed anyone before as i was so busy putting my stuff away. Untkll i realized there was nobody here. At first i was confused- was i in the right studio,at the right time? As i remember the text Daniel had left,i slipped my phone out my bag. I read the text again and checked the time. It seemed right. Then i felt a tap on my shoulder and a gasp left my mouth. My phone dropped to the floor as i turned to see Daniel.

He apologised for scaring me the way he did and we said our hellos. My phone had cracked a little in the corner- Daniel tried to apologise for that also but i on the hard floor,making a joke out of it.

We sat on the benches in an uncomfortable silence for a while. He kept on smiling at me,but honestly it worried me. Why Riley, why was i feeling so nervouse?
I brushed it off and tried to smile and engage into the conversation. We chatted about school and stuff, untill things got awkward.

"Wheres everyone?" I asked looking at the empty studio.
"Im not sure..maybe we could go and look for them?" He suggested.
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea. How about i go to that juice place and you go to the other rehersal room?" He brushed that idea under the rug.
"No-we will go together" he insisted. He pulled me to my feet and lead me out down the hallway by the wrist.

We got to B-studio and nobody was there. We walked along the hallway to head downstairs to the juice bar. I stepped down the first step before he sharply pulled me back. I looked up at him and he just smiled. I was about to continue untill he whispered
"Why take the stairs when theres a elevator?". He chuckled and i scratched my neck. Before i could find the right word to say, i found myself in the lift heading to the bottom floor.

The whole way down i felt incecure. Ive no idea why- he was stood the opposite end smiling at me. I looked down at myseflection as questions popped into mind:

Why was i so worried?
Daniels a friend,so why did i feel uncomfortable?
Why was he smiling at me the way he was?
Why was my mind filled with him?

My questions were put aside as the doors slid open. I eagerly stepped out and strutted along the hallway, into the juice bar. Bingo.

Everyone was sat around giggling and drinking juice. I stopped where i was, somehow not wanting to interupt. I checked the clock kn the wall. The hands pointed to  4:45. I guess they lost track of time.

Daniel headed over to the table, me following behind. They all greeted us with smiles, before realizing that we were here for rehersals not juice. At that everyone headed out in a huddle with there jackets and bags. I followed behind,as the boy called James slowed his pace.

We walked up the stairs in sync,a few steps behind everyone else. He had a friendly smile and he looked at me with a bit of a smirk.
"Was you dancing?" He asked. What?
"Before i came to squeezes? No,why?" I asked confused.
"Just wondered..." he trailed off still smiling.
"...why'd you ask?" I said giggling casually.
"Well, i thought your cheeks looked super you had been blushing or something?" He asked. What was he getting at..
" i havent danced yet.." i awkwardly said with a giggle. My cheeks burned up,
-again- This must have been what he meant.
"Your bright pink" he stated and laughed as we headed along the corridor.
I put my hands over my cheeks and laughed.
"No im not" i pouted as we laughed and walked into the rehersal room.

Jiley| All Eyes On YouWhere stories live. Discover now