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"Ready to go?" My mom said grabbing her blue leather purse off the counter.

"Yea," I slipped my book bag over my shoulder and grabbed my purse.
I stuffed my map in the purse and followed here to the garage door.

"Bye Aiden!," I yelled out before slamming the door.


"Hey newbie," Jaiden said slamming my locker for me.
"Jaiden," I smiled
"Ahh, I see you remembered my name," she wiggled her eyebrows.
"Yea, I did,"

"So what's your next class?," she asked
"Uhh... AP Chemistry, with Mr. Traims," I said, I had started trying to memorize my schedule last night.

"Ohhh, sounds fun...NOT!" She sarcastically said
"What do you mean?,"

"I've known people who've taken his class, they were all Honor Roll or Dean's list, well at least until they took his class,"

"Okay, maybe they weren't studying well,"
"No, no, trust me, it's not that," she deadpanned.

"So then what is it?," I asked looking at her as we walked.
"I dunno, never taken the class, I've just heard about it," she looked straight forward.

"So, then you can't be so sure that his class that is that bad, maybe their just exaggerating,"

The bell rang.

"Look, I'm just going off what I heard, but good luck, see you at lunch,"

"Okay, bye!" I yelled back, as she sprinted off down the hallway.

"Damn Chica, you look like you got run over," Josh said sitting down at the table.
"She probably did, she just got out of AP Chemistry," Jaiden said sitting down next to Kate.

"You mean Mr. Traims AP Chemistry class," Josh asked taking a bite out of his burger.

"Y-yea" I stuttered
"Dang, I heard that class is a beast, why don't you switch to another class?,"

"Because I get more credits and I don't have to take the class in college"  I put my tray down on the table, "and I thought it would be easy, I mean... I-I don't know" I took my book bag off my shoulder and placed it on the floor next to my seat.

"Well trust me, it's not, that guy grades hard" Kate said looking up from her phone

"How do you know that Katie, you've never had that class before?" Jaiden asked looking confused.

"My brother...duh! Kade always came home complaining about him, he was a household name, it became annoying, and so when the counselor here said I could take AP classes, I quickly denied, I just couldn't, especially the way Kade complained."

By now we all had shocked expressions on our faces, "You could've taken AP classes?" Jaiden and I exclaimed.

"Yea, but... you know I really didn't want to, it's not all because of Kade, I have other reasons..." her voice trailed off.

"Like what?" Josh asked

"Like...we should get on a new topic!" Kate suggested

"No, no, come on Kate, why?" Jaiden begged

"Do I have tooooo?" She dragged her words out.

"Yes Kate, c'mon, spill, I don't have all lunch period" Josh said

" okay well--"

"You don't have to, if you don't want to Kate" I spoke up.

"Well... at least right know, I still want to know...but not right now"

Josh and Jaiden gave me confused looks before sighing and agreeing.

" Heyyyy guys! It's Lucas, and you're currently Live With Lucas" Lucas said sitting down at the table.

"Hey Lucas," Jaiden said taking a bite of the salad, " and hello students of Kennedy high"

"So what's new over..." his voice trailed off as he looked at me.

"Oh. Oh. Oh no, sweetheart, you look horrible, what happened to you, what happened to her? Did you see a ghost? Or worst...Ms.Finatl eating her food, gosh, she's a horrible eater, no manners what-so-ever"

"Mr. Traims happened to her" Josh spoke up, I guess he was tired of Lucas's rambling

"Oh, that's even worse, geez," Lucas turned his camera around to his face, "every body please pray for Aria, she has Mr. Traims class, start the hashtag... um..."

"Save Aria" Jaiden suggested.

"No, hashtag Pray for AP Ari" Josh said.

"How about hashtag, Free Ari"  Kate said.

"Ok, guys, you heard them! In the comments below comment your favorite hashtag, and ill count the votes tonight and they'll be posted tomorrow"

"Until then... this is Lucas, Live with Lucas, and I'm signing off, BYE!" He blew a kiss to the camera, and turned it around so we could wave bye, before he shut it off.

Gosh guys.
ITS been TOOOO LONG since I've updated this book, but I'm here and updating.

I've actually been really, busy, test, grades, travel
(Btw...I'm currently sitting in a airport updating this for you)
Because I am committed.

I want to make you guys involved with this book, and my other book, Secrets, which is on my other account

But for this one, I need you to do 2 things.
Please, it helps me greatly

1). Comment the hashtag that you like the most, that were listed in the story.

My favorite was:#pray4APAri

2) what do you think Kate's other reason for not taking AP classes are.

Until next time...


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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