Fansign | Taehyung

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The blare of my alarm had woken you up. Ugh, what time was it?! You grab your phone, checking the digital numerals. 7:30am. The brightness makes your eyes burn slightly as you let them adjust.

You jolt up. Today was the day. The day you meet your all-time favourite band; Bangtan Sonyeondan. Better known as BTS. As if by magic, all of your fatigue was lost and replaced with utter excitement. You jumped up, "Today's the day! TODAY'S THE DAY!!" you squealed, hopping around your monotone themed room. You carried on doing this until you scream in pain. Fuck. You'd jumped straight into the side of your table and hit your hip. "Fuc- shit- OW!!" You fall onto your bed.

A few minutes of whining later, you begin to get ready.


You had finally reached and were now standing in the queue. More of a crowd than a queue to be honest. You didn't really mind where you were on the other hand, because you could see your ultimate bias, Kim Taehyung, perfectly. A tiny little squeak escaped your pink lips as he unzipped his chocolate-brown, leather jacket, teasing the entire crowd.

The entire room was filled with screams and people screaming. You weren't screaming or swooning though.. Why? You were doing it on the inside, but not in the out. You gulped a bit as he unzipped it all, he was giggling like a four-year-old. He will never grow up. You stare in awe - you could almost see through his white (I know it's black but just- go with the flow) shirt. You bit your lip. Ohmygod. Tae was looking at you. Kim Taehyung was looking at you! Wait, who were you kidding, it probably wasn't you.

It was finally your turn in line. You get your first ever chance to speak to them. They politely sign your poster, smiling as always. You move over to the next person. It was Tae. To grin widely, bowing down. "Annyeonhaseyo!" You speak. His reaction was not one that you had expected. Instead of greeting you back, he bit his lip. Seductively.

You gulp a bit, trying not to let your grin falter

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You gulp a bit, trying not to let your grin falter. You then realise that you were the last one in the room, last in line. "T-Taehyung Oppa..?"
"Why were you not squealing like everyone else?" He spoke, his voice deep and questioning. You knew exactly what he was on about and you swear you saw the other members smirk as well!

"I-I.. Uhh.. " Before you could think of anything, he stands up, walking around the long, wooden table so that his tall body was towering over your small fragile one. He slid his jacket all the way off, your eyes widening.
"I asked a question, did you not hear me Y/N?" How did he know your name? Oh wait, you told Namjoon and knowing him, he would've told everyone.
"Oppa.. Please~" You whine slightly, it wasn't meant to come out like a whine! You sounded like you were begging for- Wait,  you're not allowed to think like that! That small noise only encouraged Taehyung.
"Yes, my darling?~" He spoke, a sexy smirk plastered on his soft skin. Your cheeks turned a deep tint of red as your breathing became heavier.

Taehyung edged closer until your bodies were pressing together. You look up at him. Before you know it, you're hoisted up onto a walk and a pair of lips are smashed against yours. It doesn't take long for you to kiss back. Tae's hands rub up and down your sides, making you groan softly into his mouth.

And let's just say, they had a great time..
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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