Chapter Four: You Were the Same Way

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You woke up with a pounding headache and a vague stabbing pain in your lower leg.

That was a weird-ass dream, you thought, swinging your legs off of your bed and walking down to the kitchen to make yourself a coffee.

You were still exhausted from your long study session the night before, but luckily you didn't have to work today. When you checked the clock however, it was almost 11:30. You had been tired the night before, but not tired enough to sleep this long.

You rubbed at your eyes and limped down the stairs to get yourself coffee and breakfast, even though it was almost time for lunch.

Munching on a strawberry pop-tart, you waited for your phone to turn on while you poured spoonful after spoonful of sugar into the coffee you had poured for yourself.

You bent down to scratch at your leg, and felt what could only be describe as a mountain of gauze wrapped around it. Beginning to panic, you unlocked your phone and started scrolling through your messages, looking for one name in particular and hoping it wasn't there.

When you didn't see 'Jade' anywhere on your phone, you began to relax, but that still didn't explain why there was an obscene amount of gauze wrapped around your lower leg.

Your phone lit up with a new message, but you were too busy unwrapping your leg to check it. Around and around, the gauze came off, and the anticipation of what could be under it was slowly killing you. Underneath the gauze, there was nothing. Not a single scratch.

You noticed your phone buzzing with a new message then, and unlocked your phone to look at it.

Call us when you're up! -Werewolf Girl

As you read the final two words, your heart dropped into your stomach and began to beat harder and faster. For a moment, you were scared you were going to faint.

The phone slipped from your fingers, but the only thing you were conscious of was that it wasn't just a dream.


5:55 a.m.

After (Y/n) left, Jade walked into the practice room that the boys were in. Silently, she sat down next to Namjoon, took his hands in hers, and began trying to keep him calm and help destress him. He had enough to worry about with comeback being so close, without any of this bonding stuff happening. He glanced over at her quickly before turning his head back to Taehyung, but his face broke into a smile at the feeling of his bond mate next to him.

Suga was dozing, as usual, by the door, ready for the night to be over and to be able to take a solid nap. Ever since his mate, Dinah, had announced her pregnancy, the beta had found it harder and harder to get a full night's sleep. Between searching for an apartment, comeback, and the pack, he was drained physically, emotionally, and mentally.

"She went home," Jade whispered to Namjoon, and he squeezed her hands reassuringly, "I don't know if she's going to come back."

"I'm worried about him," he replied, motioning their joined hands toward Taehyung, who was now sitting on the floor, head resting on crossed arms across his knees.

"You were the same way," she joked lightly, still whispering, "Mr. Mopey Rap Monster."

"But I had you," he replied sweetly, and brushed his lips on Jade's cheek.

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