12:: Good-Bye Marines! Hello Deserted Island Can Bring Us To Our Doom!

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"Hey Sano! How was the make out!" a Marine officer called when we returned.

"Great! Did you now Rhythm has a bar on her-"

"They don't need to know." I smacked him in the back and laughed.

"Did you really?" Nami asked.

"Nah I'm no slut. We just talked. Caught up on things and . . . stuff." I twirled a lock of hair around my finger.

"To think that such an act took place without me! Why betray me, my beloved Rhythm-dono! <3" Sanji grabbed my hands, hearts for eyes. "I will be here for you, no matter how many oceans I have to cross, every foul monster that lays before me! Your soft skin and lucious beauty brings a smile to even those blind! The seas-"

I just spaced out. This had nothing to do with anything. Damn I'm tired.

"Che. Stupid cook." Zoro said, sitting down and stretching.

Before I knew it, Nami was shaking my shoulders and Sano was snapping in my ear.

"Wha-oh hey." My mouth felt wet, like I just drooled.

"You fell asleep." Nami said.

"I did?" I wiped my mouth. Yup. Drool.

"Standing up even. Now that's skill!" Sano high-fived me.

"How much of my life did I miss?"

"Just a couple minutes," Robin said.

"Oh okay. Go on with all your tea parties and what-not. I'm tired," I yawned, "You guys woke me up-" i counted on my fingers, "5 hours to early."


The Marines had to go. They were traveling to an importamt location, and with this stop, they were off schedual. With a final kiss, a wave good bye, and teasing remarks, the Marines were off again.

"Okay, now we also have to set sail," Nami said tappping her Log Pose.

"Aye aye, Nami-san!<3" Sanji skipped.

Zoro pulled up the anchor, and we set sail. The Going Merry glided through the ocean waves, tranquility reached with ease. Sanji was in the kitchen, cooking up lunch (since breakfast was with the Marines. A sentence I never thought I'd say), Nami was drawing her maps, while Usopp and Chopper fished off the side of the ship, yawning in the warming sunlight. Luffy sat at the top of the bow of the ship while Zoro lifted weights behind him, shirt off and drenched with sweat (AN *virtual nosebleed*). Robin reclined in a beach chair under an umbrella, a book at hand.

"Hey," I said sitting on the deck next to her. "That's The Princess Bride. You didn't strike me as a romance fan."

She looked up and smiled, "Yes, not really but this is different. I love the idea for the death machine."

"Really? I thought it was terrible when Westly was put through that. Where are you now?"

"Inigo, Westly and Fezzik are breaking into the castle."

"Ooh! That's a good part!" I smiled.

"You seem to like this book." She bookmarked her page and set it down on her lap.

"It's my absolute favorite!" I said happily. Zoro looked over then went back to lifting a ton of steel (literally. a ton). Robin and I then went off on different book, suggesting others and discussing plots of others. I admit it, I was a dork when it came to books. When Sanji called us for lunch (hearts and all), we adjourned our conversation and went to eat. Lunch was lively, especially with the incedent when Luffy accidentally swallowed a plate whole and Chopper falling into the soup.

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