14:: The Village of Treasure. A Little Girl With A Wish To Save Her Poeple

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The fire Zoro built warmed the clearing we sat in, chasing away the cold from my system. I huddled close to the fire with my knees drawn to my chest, rubbing my shins for warmth.

Zoro was cutting more wood with his katana. I was struck by how he moved, gracefully yet full of shear power. His muscles bunching and relaxing at the movements he made the simple downward swing. I cocked my head slightly, examining his movements. I’ve always wanted to learn the way of the sword, but I just could never get it right. My strikes were too weak and my stances were crooked, I could never hold it right and I hit myself more than my opponent.

He caught me staring, and arched his eyebrow at me, “What?” he asked.

“How much training have you done? In your life I mean. Because it’s the way you move.”  I caught a lock of my hair and started braiding it unconsciously.

“Since I was 9.” He said.

“Aw little 9 year old Zoro. Bet you were cute.” I teased.

“Che. Like I care if I was cute or not.” He sheathed his sword then threw the wood into the fire, then sat down next to me.

“Eh. Well I was utterly adorable,” I swung the now finished braid over my shoulder and grinned.

“I don’t know how to respond to that response,” he said.

“Then change the topic if you don’t want too,” I said, rubbing my shins again and wiggled my bare toes.

“You carry around a katana, so you must know some swords,” he said.

“Is that all you talk about? Swords?” I laughed.

“I. . . guess,” he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

“Well yes. I do. But only some basics and it’s only when worst comes to worst. Like back-up.” I said.

“How about you show me? I could give you some pointers,” he said standing up.

“Okay, but I don’t have my sword.” I said, also standing.

“Then here, borrow mine,” he seemed a bit decisive at which one to lone me. His index finger jumped from sword to sword, as though unable to decide which one he wanted to part with.  “Not Wado, I doubt you want a cursed blade, so here.” He tugged out a the black-hilted sword with a golden cross-shaped handle and handed it to me, “don’t break Yobashiri.”

“Fun name for a sword. But its to pretty, so I’ll be nice to it and not eat it, “at that, my stomach gave out a loud, insistent rumble, “Damn, I haven’t eaten since that Martini Sanji gave me.”

“Then we won’t-“

“No, don’t wimp out on me,” I drew the long, glinting sword from its sheath, the soft metal-on-metal sound sent a light shiver through me. How the slightest sounds affected me so. I put the sheath down, then held the sword in a basic stance, legs shoulder length apart with the sword held directly in front of me.

Zoro drew the white-hilted sword, the firelight dancing across the metals sleek, sharp surface. “Now go.”

“Go where?” I asked.

“Attack, “he said, sounding a bit annoyed.

“Oh yeah. I knew that.” And I did.

I lunged forward, swinging the sword around in a deadly arc, but was blocked easily. When the swords clashed, I felt  his true strength.

It was frightening . The monstrous power that lay behind the sword, holding back on me. The sheer power that lay within this man, one that could threaten mankind itself. How did Luffy find a man like this and convince him to join his crew?

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