Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As always, EL James owns FSOG and characters associate. I'm just using her characters for fun. Original characters and story line are mine.

Thank you for reading. 😄


Saying bye to Christian for two weeks was hard. I know we can still talk but not having his arms around me in bed.. As I ride back to my apartment Mel text me asking for girl talk.

"Sooooo, I met someone at the hospital and I think I'm in love.." Squealing and jumping up and down is not something I am use to seeing Mel do. "What... How.. The dets lady now..." Laughing we grab some drinks and head to the couch.

"His name is Paul, he's 29 and is in his second year internship. He is working in our department this month and we just hit it off. We've got coffee, ate dinner together and we are going out this weekend.." I am so excited for Mel because she deserve a good guy. As we continue to talk about her and Paul the day just slips away and we decide to have a sleepover..

"No, I will not play with myself while Mel is sleeping in the living room." Christian huffs through the FaceTime app then chuckles. He has tried to talk me into having phone sex for the last week and a half and it still hasn't happened. Thankfully he will be home in 3 days. I have something major to talk to him about.

FLASHBACK ( A week after Christian left.) Operation Hope

"Excuse me but I need help." Looking up I see a beautiful brunette with grey eyes staring back.

"Hi, I'm Ana. Welcome to Operation Hope. How can we assist you?" This lady looks so lost and she is clutching a possibly 6 month old boy to her side.

"M.. My name is Leila Williams and this is CJ. I need help with getting away from ex boyfriend." With pleading eyes we show her around and assign a room to her and CJ. She thanks us and Abby my office manager and I go back to the office. I can't get Leila's eyes out of my head.

"She is trying to get away from her ex and she has a little boy. Maybe it would be better if a female therapist talked to her first. We can figure out if she would be comfortable with Parker as her therapist afterwards. I don't want to freak her out more." Abby bids her head in agreement. I decide to go back to Leila's room and get to know her.

Knocking on her door she opens it with a warm smile." Hi, is it okay if I come on and we talk?"

"Of course.. Let me just put CJ down." She turns and covers her little boy and gives him a sweet kiss.

We talk for about 2 hours until CJ wakes up. "We have great people her that can watch him if you need to go out. Also, Dr. Trevelyan will be her in about 30 minutes to make sure both of you are healthy." She nods and thanks me for talking to her.

After Grace did her exam of both Leila and CJ, she also help convinced Leila to make a police statement and press charges against her ex boyfriend. She was pretty bruised up but thankfully nothing broken. Leila is originally from Detroit but moved to Seattle 5 months ago and meet Jack the first night. He convinced her to stay with him and he was nice until about a month ago. He came home drunk and decided to take his anger out on her. She finally ran away a week ago. She saw our flyer and decided to take a chance. Thank God she did..

I was not expecting for her to tell me her entire life story but she did and I'm so glad I heard it.

"My father, Richard Williams, said I have a younger brother that now lives in Seattle. I don't know how he knows that because our mother died when I was 7 from an overdose. I only saw her once a month but he always came with her. We would play in my room while my dad and mom "talked". My brother was so small and would eat anything you have him. The only facial features I remember is he had the same grey eyes and copper hair. I do know his name is Christian, though God knows how many Christians are in Seattle." She looks so sad about not being able to find him.

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